Sales Training | How to Generate Sales and Business Leads

How to Attract More Enquiries, Leads, Enquiries, and ultimately, SALES!

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Sales are perhaps the most crucial part of any business; no matter the industry, no matter the size, and no matter who your customers are.

Beyond that, lead generation is perhaps the most important element to any sales process.

No matter your business, no matter what it is you sell, and no matter your job role; if you aren't generating leads, then there is a high chance your business will soon struggle.

In this course, you will learn everything that you need to generate more leads, and how to get more customers, enquiries, bookings and sales!

Your instructor, Rob Spence, is an international renowned sales trainer, sales coach, and has authored three books on sales. He is the Managing Director of a multi-award-winning sales and marketing agency that provides sales services to businesses across the globe. Rob's unique, dynamic, and engaging teaching style is guaranteed to not only help you to succeed in the world of sales, but is also delivered in a memorable and motivating fashion.

Whether you are a business owner looking to grow your customer base, or you are a salesperson and you have been tasked with generating your own leads; this course will give you everything you need to help you to see an increase in your lead generation.

This course promises to deliver to you crucial sales skills, and advice on:

- The importance of lead generation

- How to generate leads online

- How to make the most from your current customer base

- How to use print media to generate leads

- How to cold call

- How to set up an effective lead generation strategy

...and much, much more!

Don't leave your lead generation strategies to guess work!

Take this incredible sales training course today, and let's enhance your revenue, your commission, your career, and your business!

What You Will Learn!

  • How to generate profitable sales and business leads
  • How to set up effective lead generation strategies
  • How to set up systems that attract leads direct to your inbox
  • How to set up processes to attract more customers, and more sales
  • How to get more leads from your website, from social media, and much more
  • How to create an effective PR strategy

Who Should Attend!

  • Sales people, that want to attract more leads to eventually close
  • Business owners looking to grow their business
  • Entrepreneurs looking to generate more leads
  • Sales professionals that need to self-generate leads
  • Businesses that want to see an increase in their sales
  • Businesses that want more customers