How To Get Out Of Debt, Improve Finances & Build A Future

Discover how to get out of debt and improve your personal finances with this Biblically based course - Recorded live!

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How To Get Out Of Debt, Improve Finances & Build A Future


"This course is not sponsored or affiliated with Udemy, inc."

Do you worry about how you're going to pay your bills?

Do your debts and bills only seem to keep getting bigger and bigger?

Do you worry that the bill collectors will start calling you - or are they already starting to call?

Do financial worries make you nervous or cause you to lose sleep?

There is a solution and it's simple - declare WAR ON DEBT by implementing biblical financial truths to your life and moving past being stuck!

In this 2-part course, taught by instructors Rod Warren and Dave Espino, you will learn exactly what you need to do to get out of debt as well as how to begin making additional income so you can stay out of debt, for good!

Rod Warren teaches Part 1 of this course, which was recorded LIVE at The Dream Center, a Christian church in Los Angeles.

Rod's lively and interactive style will have you laughing and cheering, while you discover biblical truths about money and finances.

Rod draws his financial teachings straight out of the bible and his enthusiasm is contagious as he walks you through the simple steps to getting out of debt and living a solid financial life.

You'll discover:

  • How to assess your current situation
  • How to change bad financial habits
  • How to create excellent new financial habits
  • How to develop your debt freedom plan
  • How to create a "get out of debt" snowball, which accelerates your path out of the debt stranglehold

and much more!

In Part 2 of this course, homebased business expert, Dave Espino will walk you through the top 5 ways to "Monetize Yourself" by using your existing skills, talents and experience to create a new, extra income from the comfort of your home.

Dave has worked in all of these areas over the last 16 years, so his teaching will be invaluable to you as you begin your journey toward monetizing yourself.

You'll learn about monetizing your skills through:

  • Freelancing online
  • Ecommerce on eBay & Amazon
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Publishing Online Courses
  • Small Business Consulting

Plus, in each of these cases, Dave will walk you through:

  • The best business model for each personality type
  • Detailed resources for each business model, and
  • What is the upper income potential with each business model

And, you also get the 42 page eBook - Monetize Yourself, which will help you further understand and move forward to success!

In short, this is one complete course that will help you get out of debt FAST and then help you stay out of debt, for good!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed by Udemy's 30-day, money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose and a debt-free lifestyle to gain!

Enroll today, you'll be glad you did!

What You Will Learn!

  • Create your own personalized gameplan for quickly getting out of debt.
  • Understand the negative mindsets and habits we have about money and how that keeps us from financial independence.
  • Understand the positive mindsets and habits we need to develop in order to see success with our finances.
  • Determine one of five ways to be able to start a simple home business in order to more quickly get out of debt and stay out of debt.

Who Should Attend!

  • You should take this course if you want to learn practical, proven, biblical principles for financial success.
  • You should take this course if you want to learn how to get out of debt and stay out of debt.
  • You should take this course if you want to learn financial principles in a highly entertaining way.
  • You should take this course if you want to learn about the top 5 ways to start a simple home based business.
  • You should NOT take this course if you might be offended by the quoting of bible verses or by a Christian worldview.