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Hi learners,

You can learn with me basic knowledge about web development. It's not for Intermediate/Advance learners. If you think you are who want learn Intermediate/Advance level, You'll check course overview before place an order. you'll learn in this course 3 main languages which are very popular and it's backbone every single website it doesn't matter it have Advance functionalities or not. Before go to any framework/library we need to know the basic knowledge about these languages with the help of This Course. You'll learn:-

HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting content on the Web. This HTML5 MASTER COURSE provides an in-depth look at the fundamentals of coding in HTML and HTML5. HTML5 comes with many new content-specific elements, like article, footer, header, nav, section. We start with exploring HTML Development using some of the most commonly used tags and attributes and the best code editor(visulal studio code) that you need to have. Anyone who wants to learn HTML, What is Web Page, What is Website, What is Static Webpage, What is Dynamic Webpage, Difference between Static & Dynamic Pages, Basic Html Document Structure, HTML Versions, Tools Required, HTML Head Tags, HTML Title Tags , HTML Lines , Comments tags, HTML Paragraph, Line Break tags, HTML Text Formatting Tags, HTML Elements, HTML Attributes Tags, HTML Image Tags, HTML List tags, HTML Link Tag, HTML Inline , Block Elements, HTML Form, HTML5, HTML5 Content Model, HTML5 Structure, HTML5 Media Tags - Audio, HTML5 Media Tags - Video, HTML5 Form, HTML Entities, HTML Emoji’s, HTML Accessibilities can join up this course. Improvements to HTML web forms where new attributes have been introduced for input tag with support for form controls like calendar, date, time, email, url, search etc.


What is Difference between HTML/HTML5?

HTML Image

HTML Table

HTML Semantic Elements

How to add audio/video file.

New Values of type attribute.

Who this course is for:

Hi learners, You can learn with me basic knowledge about web development It's not for Intermediate/Advance learners. If you are in this from1 or 2 yrs & now you see yourself at Intermediate/Advance level so it's great congrats, but listen if you checked my sections & you are in doubt so yes this course only for you. After completed this course you'll capable for do everything, what I mentioned above.

What You Will Learn!

  • Student will know about how to create web pages
  • 07hrs 17mins and totally 78 lessons we covered here
  • Students can develop own web page using html
  • There are lot of modules are there
  • Knowing different tags and how to implements in real time

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners , intermediate and experts who is willing to learn and know more about html