Improving Employee Performance

Explore strategies and best practices for creating a culture that encourages high employee performance.

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Individual performance levels affect not only the employee but also the team as well as the organization as a whole. The main aim of any manager is to help his/her employees produce good work, and enhance their ability to do this work over time. In this course, we will discuss about the strategies for creating a culture that encourages high performance as well as best practices for improving employee performance in the modern workplace. The course also discusses about how to get to the root of poor employee performance and coach both high-performing and low-performing employees.

You can use the following process for using training to improve employee performance:

  • Identify

  • Develop

  • Implement

  • Evaluate

‘Corrective Learning’ is also referred to as ‘Single-loop Learning’. Such a learning primarily focuses on corrections by discovering and rectifying faults, mistakes, or errors of any kind that affects the organization. The purpose of such learning is to find such errors and then correct them and also make improvements to existing performance shortfalls so that such poor performance does not get repeated. You should bear in mind that this type of learning takes organizational structures, procedures, processes, or practices for granted and works within them.

It does not intend to question them. Corrective Learning can be a key to the success of improving employee performance and hence success of the organization. This type of learning can help an employee propel efficiency and quality within his work, procedures, processes, systems, or practices and help overcome the shortfalls in their performance.

‘Transformational Learning’ is also referred to as ‘Double-loop Learning’. Such a learning primarily focuses on inquiring into the structures, procedures, processes, systems, norms, or practices that corrective learning had taken for granted. This type of learning also involves a kind of correction but at the practical level. It helps an organization to take a reflective look at and analyze the most ingrained features of the organizational culture and improve them.

What You Will Learn!

  • Explain the Importance of Employee Performance
  • Explain Relevance of Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities
  • List the Reasons of Poor Employee Performance
  • Explain Considerations for Performance Objectives
  • Explain the Types of Performance Objectives
  • Describe Possible Performance Measures
  • Describe How to Measure Employee Performance
  • List the Traits Affecting Employee Performance
  • Explain the Tools for Gathering Performance Feedback
  • Explain Questions to Improve Employee Performance
  • Explain the Strategies for Improving Employee Performance
  • Describe the Types of Competencies Affecting Performance
  • Describe Competency Systems Driving Performance
  • Explain How to Use Training for Improving Performance
  • Explain Performance Improvement Plans/Programs (PIPs)

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wishes to increase their coaching and leadership capacity. Perfect for new managers. Also, a great refresher course for experienced ones.