Improvisational Skills, Technique for Commercial Belly Dance

4-class course with Neon - combinations for improvisational dance (party, drum solo, veil), mini-routines, showmanship

Ratings: 3.50 / 5.00


Class 1 Party-Style Belly Dance Performance: Combinations and Showmanship

Intermediate-level belly dance combinations and showmanship tips for a party-style belly dance performance. Step-by-step and practice with music. 57min. class

Class 2 Sexy and Sensual Mode in Belly Dance - Practice Choreography

"Today we'll play with the sexy/sensual mode in bellydance. How sexy can you be in belly dance without destroying its look and feel? We'll discuss, explore and put a few sexy moves together into a 2-minute practice 'sensual vignette'."

Class 3 Belly Dance Drum Solo - First Steps to Improvisation

Improvising an organic and vocabulary-rich belly dance drum solo is a challenge for most dancers. How to approach building your improvisational skills? Neon offers a method to reset your thinking about improvising a drum solo, and compares using the same dance vocabulary in an improvisation and in a drum solo choreography.

Class 4 Belly Dance "Circle" Veil Routine with Neon

A mini-routine module for improvisational bellydance performance with a veil - great as part of a picture-perfect dance entrance. "As you start your performmance, your audience wants to check out your costume and body, they frantically take pictures and selfies with you; there are always people who have never seen belly dance before, and therefore must take pictures immediately and share them with the world - and it’s wonderful if you can accommodate them with a picture-friendly, easy routine, basically greeting them and posing for pictures while dancing."

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn brush up your improvisational technique and showmanship tips for a party-style commercial belly dance show
  • How sexy can you be in belly dance without destroying its look and feel? Let' discuss & practice!
  • Build improvisational skills for a vocabulary-rich belly dance drum solo.
  • Learn a mini-routine module for improvisational bellydance performance with a veil - great as part of a picture-perfect dance entrance.

Who Should Attend!

  • Intermediate belly dance artists