How to be an Independent security researcher /Ethical Hacker

If you are a web developer, Bug Hunter, hacker or any it security researcher then this course will be very help full.

Ratings: 2.09 / 5.00


This Course is about :

  1. Ethical Hacker
  2. Penetration tester
  3. What is xss?
  4. Why xss?
  5. Types of xss?
  6. What are the different sources of xss?
  7. Different context of xss?
  8. What is Sql Injection?
  9. Different Types of Sql injection.

Types of xss

  1. Persistent xss (stored xss)
  2. Non persistent xss reflected xss
  3. Dom based xss
  • We will discuss different xss example according owasp xss.
  • Why xss is so important?
  • What is internet safety?
  • What is network security?
    1. Nothing just know to run apps on computer
    2. HTTP client server Architecture
    3. Basics of HTML and JS.
    4. Basics of PHP and ASPnet

    If you know about some of these things then it will be more beneficial and will be easy for your understanding this course.


    1. Ethical Hacker
    2. Penetration tester
    3. Security Researcher
    4. Web Developer
    5. Bug Hunter
    6. Hard Worker and If you want to make yourself do somethig

    What You Will Learn!

    • At the end of this course my students will be able to find vulnerabilities of xss and sql injections in their sites for their clients sites. They will become independent security researcher.
    • A complete Ethical Hacking and Penetration tester Course

    Who Should Attend!

    • Security Researcher
    • Web Developer
    • Bug Hunter
    • Hard Worker and If you want to make yourself do somethig
    • A complete course for Ethical Hacker and Penetration tester