Interactive Image Carousel with ScrollView, Swift UI & iOS17

Practical exploration of ScrollView in Swift UI 5, Swift 5.9 and iOS 17

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SwiftUI's ScrollView is a versatile container view that allows users to scroll through a list of content vertically or horizontally. It provides a convenient way to display a large amount of data within a limited screen space. With ScrollView, you can create dynamic and interactive interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and other Apple platforms.

To use ScrollView, you wrap your content inside it, and if the content exceeds the available space, the ScrollView automatically enables scrolling. You can customize the ScrollView's behavior by specifying its axis (vertical or horizontal) using the .vertical or .horizontal modifiers.

ScrollView can handle a wide range of content, including text, images, controls, and other SwiftUI views. It supports a variety of scrolling gestures, such as swipe, drag, and bounce effects. Additionally, you can add additional modifiers like padding, frame, and alignment to control the layout and appearance of the ScrollView.

ScrollView provides a performant and efficient scrolling experience by efficiently recycling views and loading only the necessary content on demand. This helps improve the overall performance and memory usage of your app.

Overall, SwiftUI's ScrollView simplifies the process of creating scrollable interfaces and enhances the user experience by allowing seamless navigation through large datasets. It offers a flexible and intuitive way to build dynamic and engaging UIs across various Apple platforms.

WWDC23 brought new additions to ScrollView that makes the UI development with ScrollView not only fun and easy but it can make your app UI stand out with just few lines of code.

So Join me in this course and let's explore ScrollView in SwiftUI 5 and iOS 17 together.

What You Will Learn!

  • Developers who wants to learn SwiftUI 5
  • Developers who wants to explore iOS 17
  • Engineers who wants to build custom controls using SwiftUI
  • Developers who wants to learn new additions in ScrollView for SwiftUI

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to take a deep dive into the new changes in SwiftUI ScrollView with iOS 17