Intermediate Python: Memory, Decorator, Async, Cython & more
Stand out from the mass. Become a Python expert and understand what the CPython API, PyBind11 and more is.
The course was updated in November 2023 for the newest Python Version 3.12!
Course Description:
The course covers intermediate to advanced Python programming techniques.
This means that the course is not aimed at programming beginners.
This course is compact, instructive, and useful. You learn not only how to use Python well, but also more abstract concepts that are transferable to other languages, as well as how to create a good programming environment.
Creating and using variables
If-statements, loops and logical expressions
Implementing your own functions and classes
Importing from external packages
In the course we will use Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as the IDE which is free for all operating systems.
I assume that you have already Python 3.8 or newer on your system, if not you could install it via Anaconda for example.
This course consists of the following topics:
Memory management of variables in Python
Mutable and Immutable Types
Shallow and Deep Copies
The correct use of containers (list, dict, set etc.)
f-Strings formatting
Functions and Decorators
args and kwargs Arguments
Object orientation and inheritance
Special Dunder Methods
Dataclass, Enum and NamedTuple
The integration of Cython
Using the Python C API (CPython)
Using PyBind11 (introductory example)
Using Numba and Mypyc
Using multiprocessing and multithreading
Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python
Using asynchronous programming
Become a pro today, in the technology of tomorrow!
See you in class!
What You Will Learn!
- Memory management of variables in Python (Mutability)
- The correct use of sequences and iterables
- Functions, Decorators, Lambdas etc.
- Object orientation and inheritance
- The integration of Cython code
- Using the Python C API
- Async and Parallel Code
Who Should Attend!
- Python developer with basic knowledge