Interview Success

Authentically sell yourself to show that you are the perfect candidate during interviews.

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Most people believe they’re either good or bad at interviewing. This is nonsense, interview is a skill just like any other, that you can learn, practice and perfect! This course will change your mindset so that you start authentically selling yourself.

Does this sound like you?

  • "I'm not good at selling myself."

  • “I find it hard to talk about myself at interviews.”

  • “I don’t come across as confident, so I’ll never get a good job.”

  • "I have friends who are good at interviewing, but I'm not good."

  • “I get nervous at interviews.”

We teach you how to:

  • Be successful in interviews today AND across your entire career

  • Authentically sell your skills and experience to show that you’re the perfect candidate

  • Prepare for any question you could possibly be asked

  • Reduce interview nerves and increase your confidence

  • Overcome unsuccessful interviews.

This course is for:

  • Graduates preparing for their first job interview

  • Professionals looking to maximise their chance of interview success

  • Professionals changing careers (ex-forces, moving sector, etc.)

  • Parents returning to work and redundancies.

Over 10 years as a recruiter and career coach, Rory Laughton-Scott has helped hundreds of people to get the job they want by improving their interview skills.

The key to success is preparation. The course is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for every stage of an interview, to give you the best possible chance of success.

It can be completed in less than 2 hours and you will have the flexibility to complete it at your own pace, anytime, anywhere!

What You Will Learn!

  • Be successful in interviews today AND throughout your career
  • Reflect on your relevant experience that will make you successful
  • Be prepared for any question you could possibly be asked
  • Authentically sell yourself to show that you are the perfect candidate
  • Overcome interview nerves and boost your confidence
  • Reflect on interview failure and bring success next time

Who Should Attend!

  • Students and graduates preparing for their first job interviews
  • Professionals looking to maximise their chances of success
  • Anyone that has taken a career break e.g. parents returning to work
  • Anyone who has been made redundant
  • Professionals changing careers (ex-forces, moving sector, etc.)