Introduction to Content Design

This course will teach you how to use Strategy, Writing and Design in your journey to become a UX Writer

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This course is intended to help someone interested in becoming a Content Designer/UX Writer (User Experience Writer). There is no pre-requisites to taking this course, however some experience in working at an organization who utilizes the Agile methodology for project management or some familiarly with Agile will be beneficial. All business terms are explained, so if you don't have this experience, don't worry, you will still find this course beneficial and easy to follow. 

The main lessons in this course are intended to teach you the following:

  • The role of a Content Designer - what do they do, how do they work, why they're important

  • Good vs Bad UX Writing - what constitutes good UX writing and bad UX writing

  • What Tools to use as a Content Designer - should you learn a lot of tools or a few of them, what are the best ones to learn

  • How to design a Copy Deck - what is a Copy Deck, how do I create a Copy Deck, is there only one way to create a Copy Deck

  • How to write Error Messages and CTAs (Call to Actions) - what level of detail should we and should we not provide when writing error messages, what is the user trying to do and how can we help them make decisions

What You Will Learn!

  • The role of a Content Designer
  • How to write user centric microcopy (CTAs, Error Messages, etc.)
  • The difference between good UX Copy and bad UX Copy
  • What is a copy deck
  • Why placeholder copy and low fidelity designs are important
  • The advantages of using collaborative based design tools (Figma)

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in becoming or wanting to learn more about Content Design and/or UX Writing