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In this Course you will learn the following points in Detail:

  • What is renewable Energy?

  • Forms of Solar Energy

  • Types of Solar Radiation

  • Global Solar Potential Map

  • How Solar Cell Works

  • How Solar System Works

  • Solar Farms

  • Cumulative Global Solar PV Installations  in GW

  • Cumulative Installed PV Power in GW (Region wise)

  • Global Solar PV Panel Market

  • Solar PV Power Market Size

  • Solar Thermal Energy

  • Solar Thermal Collectors

  • Cumulative Capacity of Solar Thermal Energy Worldwide

  • Concentrated Solar Power Market Size

  • Wind Power Plant

  • Working Wind Turbine

  • Cumulative installed capacity of wind power worldwide in 2021, by country(in megawatts)

  • Wind Energy Market Size

  • Geo Thermal Energy

  • Working of Geo Thermal Power Plant

  • Installed capacity of Geothermal Countries

  • Global geothermal power (Installed Capacity Vs Global Potential)

  • Average installed cost for geothermal energy worldwide

  • Geothermal Power Market Size

  • Hydro Power

  • Working of Hydro power

  • Hydro Power Install Capacity

  • Hydro Power Market Size

  • Tidal Energy

  • How tidal Power Plant Works

  • Wave Energy

  • Working of Wave Energy

  • Wave and Tidal Energy Market Size

  • Installed capacity of Wave Energy Plants

  • Bio Mass Energy

  • Types of Biomass


  • Incineration of Biomass

  • Gasification of Biomass

  • Biogas Generation of Biomass

  • Ethanol  Generation

  • Biodiesel Generation

  • List of countries by electricity generation from biomass energy sources

  • Biomass Energy Use in Residential and Industrial Purpose (EJ)

  • Biomass based Plant Installed Capacity Region wise

  • Bioenergy Market Size

  • World Coal Reserves

  • Leading hard coal producing countries worldwide in 2021 (MMT)

  • Global Coal Production (Region wise)

  • World Oil Reserves

  • World's Biggest oil Producers

  • Share of World Oil Supply

  • Natural Gas Reserves

  • Leading Countries based on Natural Gas Production in 2020

  • Status of Nuclear Power at World wide

  • World Uranium Mining Production in 2021

  • World % electricity generation by fuel, 1971-2019

  • Global Fossil Fuel Consumption in TWh

  • Years of fossil fuel reserves left

  • Sustainable Development

  • How Renewable energy technologies contribution to sustainable development

  • Details of 17 Sustainable Development Goals

  • What Action we can take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals

  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere

  • End hunger, achieve food security & improved  nutrition and promote Growth

  • Ensure healthy lives and promote  well-being for all at all ages

  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and  promote lifelong learning

  • Achieve gender equality and  empower all women and girls

  • Ensure availability and sustainable  management of water and sanitation for all

  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable,  sustainable and modern energy for all

  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth

  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive & sustainable industrialization

  • Reduce inequality within and  among countries

  • Make cities and human settlements inclusive,  safe, resilient and sustainable

  • Ensure sustainable consumption  and production patterns

  • Take urgent action to combat  climate change and its impacts

  • Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, sea and  marine resources

  • Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of  ecosystems & Biodiversity

  • Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable  development

  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize  the Global Partnership

What You Will Learn!

  • What is renewable Energy?
  • Forms of Solar Energy
  • Types of Solar Radiation
  • Global Solar Potential Map
  • How Solar Cell Works
  • How Solar System Works
  • Solar Farms
  • Cumulative Global Solar PV Installations in GW
  • Cumulative Installed PV Power in GW (Region wise)
  • Global Solar PV Panel Market
  • Solar PV Power Market Size
  • Solar Thermal Energy
  • Solar Thermal Collectors
  • Cumulative Capacity of Solar Thermal Energy Worldwide
  • Concentrated Solar Power Market Size
  • Wind Power Plant
  • Working Wind Turbine
  • Cumulative installed capacity of wind power worldwide in 2021, by country(in megawatts)
  • Wind Energy Market Size
  • Geo Thermal Energy
  • Working of Geo Thermal Power Plant
  • Installed capacity of Geothermal Countries
  • Global geothermal power (Installed Capacity Vs Global Potential)
  • Average installed cost for geothermal energy worldwide
  • Geothermal Power Market Size
  • Hydro Power
  • Working of Hydro power
  • Hydro Power Install Capacity
  • Hydro Power Market Size
  • Tidal Energy
  • How tidal Power Plant Works
  • Wave Energy
  • Working of Wave Energy
  • Wave and Tidal Energy Market Size
  • Installed capacity of Wave Energy Plants
  • Bio Mass Energy
  • Types of Biomass
  • Incineration of Biomass
  • Gasification of Biomass
  • Biogas Generation of Biomass
  • Ethanol Generation
  • Biodiesel Generation
  • List of countries by electricity generation from biomass energy sources
  • Biomass Energy Use in Residential and Industrial Purpose (EJ)
  • Biomass based Plant Installed Capacity Region wise
  • Bioenergy Market Size
  • World Coal Reserves
  • Leading hard coal producing countries worldwide in 2021 (MMT)
  • Global Coal Production (Region wise)
  • World Oil Reserves
  • World's Biggest oil Producers
  • Share of World Oil Supply
  • Natural Gas Reserves
  • Leading Countries based on Natural Gas Production in 2020
  • Status of Nuclear Power at World wide
  • World Uranium Mining Production in 2021
  • World % electricity generation by fuel, 1971-2019
  • Global Fossil Fuel Consumption in TWh
  • Years of fossil fuel reserves left
  • Sustainable Development
  • How Renewable energy technologies contribution to sustainable development
  • Details of 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  • What Action we can take to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • End hunger, achieve food security & improved nutrition and promote Growth
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
  • Build resilient infrastructure,promote inclusive & sustainable industrialization
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, sea and marine resources
  • Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems & Biodiversity
  • Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development
  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who wants to learn about Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development
  • Students
  • Consultants