Introduction to Self Care

A Step by Step Journey to Developing your own Self Care Plan

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Most people don’t know where to start when it comes to managing their own health and wellbeing. Self care is not something taught in school. Having a self care plan means practicing preventative health management. It gets you to optimal health and wellbeing and maintains it. It is something for you to refer to in times of need, using the habits, practices and routines that you have laid out for yourself.

A self care plan is personal, no two plans will look exactly the same. In this course you will learn how to develop your own plan that is specific to you.

A self care plan example and assessment are included for download as well as 3 BONUS guided meditations. These meditations will get you started on your journey to self care.

Sometimes we need to refresh and restore our mindset!

RESTORE – to get back to a point in time when you were healthy, happy and well

REFRESH – to implement new strategies and change course entirely

You have to want to change your mindset and your life, the future you will thank you! This course will get you one step closer to living a more balanced, positive life.  Thank you for choosing to join me!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn what self care is, examples and benefits
  • Learn why self care is important and why you need a plan
  • Some obstacles that might stand in your way of sticking to a plan
  • Self help techniques that are useful in helping you to stick to a plan

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone looking to take control of their health and wellbeing. If you are looking to make life changes, incorporate new habits, routines and practices then this course is for you!