ISO 27001 Internal Auditor Certification Practice Tests

Each test consists of 30 practice questions, 60 in total

Ratings: 3.70 / 5.00


  • Each test is comprised of 30 true/false and multiple choice questions.

  • Correctly answered questions earn one point. You are encouraged to answer all the questions.

  • You will have 90 minutes to complete each test and can move forward and back through all the questions.

  • You are encouraged to silence your mobile phone and put it out of reach to simulate the actual exam.

What You Will Learn!

  • Students can expect to gain familiarity with how the test will be conducted and quiz them on aspects of auditing an ISMS according to the ISO 27001 standard.

Who Should Attend!

  • People who conduct internal audits of their organization's Information System Management System and are required to attain the ISO 27001 Internal Auditor Certification