Practical course: JavaScript Promises and async / await
Master the art of asynchronous code in this very practical course - Promises, async/await, with examples and quizes!
Welcome to my Udemy course on Asynhcronous JavaScript!
On this very practical course we will focus on results.
How to request data from a server
How to manipulate these data
When to request data in parallel
How to request data which depends on a previous response
How to handle errors properly
Use the async/await syntax
And finally, armed with all these tools, we'll build a weather widget which fetches real data and shows the forecast for the week based on your location.
The course is divided in five big sections:
Callback Functions - We will learn what a callback function is and when it is used. We will also explain the concept of Immediately Invoked Function Expressions.
Promises - What is a Promise, how does JavaScript wait for its response...
Error Handling - Promises can fail, and for this reason we must know how to catch possible errors and handle them properly.
Promise Object and parallel requests - We can speed up our request 40% or more by performing certain requests in parallel. We will wait until we have received both "responses" before continuing with our code.
Promise Chaining - Handle a complex chain of parallel and series requests in one single object - for better readability and code practices.
All of these major points we will learn both using the Promise syntax ( axios.get(...).then(response)...) and the async/await syntax (const response = await axios.get(...))
And finally
We will build a Weather Widget using all the knowledge from this course.
What You Will Learn!
- Asynchronous programming
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises
- Async / Await
- Try and Catch
- Error handling
- Callback functions
- API requests
Who Should Attend!
- JavaScript developers wanting to build asynchronous aplications
- JavaScript enthusiasts who want to learn Promises and async-await