JEST Framework Full Crash Course | Java Script Unit Testing

Unit or API testing with Jest | Expect & Matchers | Async Code | Watch Plugin | Mock Function | Jest CLI | Snapshot Test

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JEST has achieved remarkable popularity within the JavaScript ecosystem, standing out as a premier testing framework that developers turn to for various projects. Its rise in popularity can be attributed to several key factors:

Like it has a User-Friendly Setup, Jest offers a straightforward and painless setup process, reducing the barrier for entry and making it accessible to developers of all levels.

Jest comes bundled with essential testing tools, such as an assertion library (matchers), mocking capabilities, and a test runner. This comprehensive package saves developers time and effort by eliminating the need to piece together multiple libraries.

Jest's intuitive API and descriptive syntax make it easy for developers to write expressive and readable tests. This helps teams maintain code quality and collaboratively contribute to the testing suite.

By enrolling this course, you can learn all about JEST in one place , below are the topics cover in this course:

. Learn all about JEST Framework in Node Js and Visual Studio Code

. Learn how to setup JEST Framework and start working

. Learn Unit testing and API testing with Jest

. Learn all In-built and custom Matchers and Extend utilities

. Learn how to handle Asynchronous Code

. Learn how to create new Watch Plugin and how to work on hooks

. Learn about Setup and Tear Down hooks

. Learn how to use assertion count

. Learn about Mock Function

. Learn Jest CLI

. Learn about Jest Global Methods

. Learn Snapshot Testing

Thank You!

What You Will Learn!

  • Complete JEST framework
  • Unit testing or API testing with Jest
  • Asynchronous Code | Watch Plugin | Jest CLI | Snapshot Test
  • All Matchers in Jest with examples
  • To create Custom Matchers
  • Mock Functions

Who Should Attend!

  • Software Developers using Java script
  • Senior Professional software automation testers
  • Beginner Software Testers