Leading Long Distance: How to Make the Most of Remote Work

How to Lead Virtual Teams to Success. Involve & Engage Teams Working Remotely through Effective Leadership

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Business management and leadership aren’t easy topics. Yet, they are significant.

And you have been a boss for a few years now and the pandemic has changed a few things for you. You not only have to lead people working on site; you also have to lead some working remotely. You were an ace at leading people face-to-face in office but are probably struggling to be your best when it comes to leading people who do not work in the same location as you or the same time zone as you. Welcome to the course that is just right for you!

By the time you finish this course, you’ll have a clear understanding of what it takes to be a successful leader of a virtual team. You will also have explored the importance of delegation, how to manage different personality types, and you’ll have acquired the ability to make people feel secure, valued, informed, and that they belong. After finishing this course, you’ll have learned and implemented all suggested practical tips and will find your team highly motivated and highly productive.

This course will teach you practical tools and techniques to help you unlock the potential in your virtual teams, to be a successful, impactful and respected remote leader.

Course overview:

Lecture 1 Remote Work vs. Work From Home

Lecture 2 Remote Work Challenges: Setting Clear Expectations & Maximizing Productivity

Lecture 3 Tackling Workplace Loneliness in Remote Work Environments

Lecture 4 Working Remotely: Managing Distractions & Difficult Employees

Lecture 5 Navigating through Communication Challenges in Virtual Workspaces

Lecture 6 The Three-O Model for Remote Leadership

Lecture 7 Leveraging Technology to Support Remote Workers

Lecture 8 The 4 Pillars of Employee Well-Being in Virtual Teams

Lecture 9 Healthy Body: Why Physical Wellness Matters at Work

Lecture 10 Mind & Soul: Make Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Wellness a Priority

Lecture 11 How to Collaborate and Build Trust with Your Remote Teams

Lecture 12 Create a Winning Remote Team with High Impact Mentoring

Lecture 13 Coaching Mindset for Successful Remote Team Management

Here the details about the upcoming 13 lectures:

Lecture 1, Remote Work vs. Work From Home

· what is and what isn’t remote work

· what it means to lead remotely

· statistics about remote work

· positives about remote work for individuals and businesses

The next 3 lectures are connected and specifically discuss Challenges of Leading Remote Teams and team management in general.

Lecture 2, Remote Work Challenges: Setting Clear Expectations & Maximizing Productivity

· why team members and leaders languish because of lack of clear expectations

· how non-clarity and confusion can affect productivity

· how remote leaders can clarify expectations and avoid clarity traps

· how to address productivity issues

Lecture 3, Tackling Workplace Loneliness in Remote Work Environments

· workplace loneliness is in the remote context

· causes of workplace loneliness

· some statistics related to workplace loneliness

· how remote leaders can help themselves and their teams combat workplace loneliness

Lecture 4, Working Remotely: Managing Distractions & Difficult Employees

· how to manage distractions and difficult employees

· what kind of distractions; the downside of distractions

· how remote leaders can help avert distraction challenges

· different types of difficult employees

· how to manage each type

Lecture 5, Navigating through Communication Challenges in Virtual Workspaces

· how to look for communication issues

· different types of communication challenges in a remote setting

· specific communication skills to counter remote challenges

Lecture 6, Applying the Three-O Model for Remote Leadership

· understand the 3-O concept created by Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel

· it’s importance in leading long distance

· how to apply the 3-O concept when leading remote teams

Lecture 7, Leveraging Technology to Support Remote Workers

· how to communicate most effectively in a remote setting

· different communication tools and how and when to use them

· asynchronous and synchronous communication

· creativity in communication

The next 3 lectures discuss various aspects of wellbeing and how to achieve work-life balance.

Lecture 8, The 4 Pillars of Employee Well-Being in Virtual Teams

· importance of team wellbeing

· statistics related to wellbeing in a remote setting

· reasons affecting wellbeing

· understand different aspects of wellbeing

Lecture 9, Healthy Body: Why Physical Wellness Matters at Work

· importance of exercise, diet, sleep, hydration in maintaining physical wellbeing

· how remote leaders can ensure the team’s physical wellbeing

Lecture 10, Mind & Soul: Make Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Wellness a Priority

· how to prioritize employee mental health

· how to change the organization culture mindset to become more people-focused and put employee feeling first

· how to develop workplace spirituality and achieve work life balance

· how to be a role model for wellbeing

· mental health questionnaire

Lecture 11, How to Collaborate and Build Trust with Your Remote Teams

· how to be a bridge between team members and the organization, including employees and clients

· how to build teamwork; communication tips

· how to ensure team unity, collaboration

· suggestions on building trust

Lecture 12, Create a Winning Remote Team with High Impact Mentoring

· importance of mentoring

· aspects of remote mentoring

· purposes of remote mentoring

· how to mentor long distance

· how to keep your digital footprint clean

Lecture 13, Coaching Mindset for Successful Remote Team Management

· importance of coaching and remote coaching

· how remote leaders can coach their team

· how to become a people manager

· how to encourage peer coaching

What You Will Learn!

  • Leading remotely or leading long distance
  • Virtual team challenges and how to overcome them
  • Prioritizing physical, mental, emotional health and wellbeing
  • Overall wellbeing in a remote setting
  • Generic leadership and management
  • People management and team building
  • Creating communication synergy and handle communication challenges
  • Achieving work life balance
  • Tools to help you motivate different personality types
  • Inclusion of team members
  • Understand and apply the 3-O concept
  • Managing Distractions and Difficult Employees
  • Using Technology Appropriately and Creatively
  • What remote work is
  • Expectations & Productivity
  • How to encounter Workplace Loneliness
  • Collaborating, Unifying, Trust-building
  • Remote Mentoring
  • Remote Coaching

Who Should Attend!

  • Remote leaders
  • Leaders managing people working remotely
  • Leaders managing people working both on site and remotely
  • Leaders managing team/teams on (global/local) locations far from their own
  • Leaders working from home managing both remote and office teams
  • Consultants hired to synergize virtual teams
  • People working in virtual teams or remotely
  • Someone who wants to become a remote leader / manager