Data science - using python, plotly and leaflet

Learn data science - covid-19 and cholera pandemic projects

Ratings: 4.14 / 5.00


This is a course for data visualization lovers.

It has been prepared with practical exercises of the current context for its better understanding and application in a 10 intensive hours.

In a first section, the methodological principles on data viz and graphic display techniques are explained. As an exercise, the extraction and deployment of COVID-19 data using python, Plotly and express submodule is developed.

Additionally, the course includes the geospatial application for the representation of geographic data using Plotly's methods, and as an exercise the data from John Snow's research on cholera is reconstructed.

Finally, scientific and statistical graphics and their display through animation code are explored. As a final project, the Leaflet code is used to explore interactive maps.


Section 1: Module. 1 Introduction to Data Visualisation

  • 1. Introduction to data visualization

  • 2. Why bother about it

  • 3. Objectives of Data Visualisation

  • 4. Theory of Data Vis

  • 5. Practice

Section 2: Module. 2 Data Types and Chart Types

  • 6. Continuos Variables and Histogram

  • 7. Time Series and Line Chart

  • 8. Categorical Data and bar chart

  • 9. Categorical Data Type and pie chart

  • 10. Pair of Continous variables

  • 11. One Continuous and One Categorica

  • 12. Pair of Categorical Variable

  • 13. Practice

Section 3: Module. 3 Data Visaulization in Plotly

  • 14. Fundamentals of Plotly

  • 15. Plotly and Express submodule

  • 16. Updating and Customizing Layout

  • 17. Practice

Section 4: Module. 4 Final Project 1 (COVID Visualization in Plotly)

  • 18. Project 1

Section 5: Module. 5 Plotting Geographical Data in Plotly

  • 19. Choropleth Maps

  • 20. Line on Maps

  • 21. Filled and Point areas

  • 22. Maps with Bubbles

  • 23. Maps with Heatmap

  • 24. Mini Project

Section 6: Module. 6 Some Advanced Topics in Plotly

  • 25. Financial Charts

  • 26. Three D plots in Ploty

  • 27. Subplots in Ploty

  • 28. Practice

Section 7: Module. 7 Final Project 2 (John's Cholera Graph)

  • 29. Project Cholera Ghost Map

Section 8: Module. 8 Scientific and Statistical Plots

  • 30. Contour Plots

  • 31. Image in Plotly

  • 32. Heat Map

  • 33. Ternary Plots

  • 34. Log Plots

  • 35. Statistical Plots

Section 9: Module. 9 Animation in Plotly

  • 36. Animation Using Plotly Express

  • 37. Frames and Graph Objects

  • 38. Line Chart Race Project

Section 10: Module. 10 Final Project 3 ( Exploring Interactive Maps using Leaflet)

  • 39. Final Project on Chipotle

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction to Data Visualisation
  • Data Types and Chart Types
  • Data Visaulization in Plotly
  • COVID Visualization in Plotly
  • Plotting Geographical Data in Plotly
  • John's Cholera Graph
  • Scientific and Statistical Plots and animation
  • Interactive Maps using Leaflet

Who Should Attend!

  • developers
  • gis and geospatial users
  • data researchers
  • Anyone interested in learning more about python, data science, or data visualizations
  • Anyone interested about the rapidly expanding world of data science