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As a folk magician, Spiritualist, intuitive reader, and astrologist, I'm here to help you navigate the cosmic energies and unlock your inner wisdom.  Let's explore the realms of spirituality together.

Through my years of navigating spirituality, i have came across a number of techniques and insights to help others a long their journey. I am here to empower and encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

Ready to manifest your dreams into reality? Join my online course, "Practically Manifesting"!  Learn how to achieve your goals and manifest a new life by reprogramming your subconscious mind. Unlock your full potential and create the life you've always dreamed of. This course teaches you how to effectively knock out your goals and rise to success! Manifesting isn't always easy. In order to attract what you desire, your going to have to change some things up. In this course i will guide you through the manifesting process and point out key points that will help you manifest. The process will be a bit different to everyone, but ultimately it's a one fit's all course.

What's in store?

  • The process of creating and expanding your life

  • Paradigm Shifting

  • subconscious Mind reprogramming

  • Using your energy to get what you desire

  • effective Manifesting

What You Will Learn!

  • Paradigm Shifting
  • Alchemy
  • Law Of Attraction
  • Reprograming the Subconscious Mind

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who desire to shift their life and live as they desire.