Learn JavaScript in Hindi/Urdu | JavaScript Tutorial
Make Your Website Static and Dynamic with JavaScript Hindi
Below is a basic syllabus outline for learning JavaScript. This syllabus is designed for beginners and covers the fundamental concepts of JavaScript programming.
JavaScript Syllabus:
Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript
1.1 Overview of JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
History and evolution
1.2 Setting up the Development Environment
Text editors (e.g., VS Code)
Browser Developer Tools
Module 2: Basic JavaScript Concepts
2.1 Variables and Data Types
Declaring variables
Primitive data types (string, number, boolean)
Type coercion
2.2 Operators
Arithmetic operators
Comparison operators
Logical operators
2.3 Control Flow
Conditional statements (if, else if, else)
Switch statements
Loops (for, while, do-while)
Module 3: Functions
3.1 Defining and Invoking Functions
Function declaration vs. expression
Parameters and arguments
Return statements
3.2 Scope and Closures
Global vs. local scope
Closure concept
Module 4: Arrays and Objects
4.1 Arrays
Creating and manipulating arrays
Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, etc.)
4.2 Objects
Creating and accessing object properties
Object methods
JSON notation
Module 5: Document Object Model (DOM)
5.1 Introduction to the DOM
What is the DOM?
Accessing and modifying HTML elements
5.2 Event Handling
Responding to user actions
Event listeners
Module 6: Asynchronous JavaScript
6.1 Introduction to Asynchronous Programming
6.2 Fetch API
Making HTTP requests
Handling responses
Module 7: Error Handling
7.1 Understanding Errors
Common types of errors
7.2 Try-Catch Blocks
Handling and throwing exceptions
Module 8: ES6+ Features
8.1 Let and Const
Block-scoped variables
8.2 Arrow Functions
Simplified function syntax
8.3 Template Literals
String interpolation
8.4 Destructuring Assignment
Extracting values from objects and arrays
Module 9: JavaScript Best Practices
9.1 Code organization and structure
Naming conventions
9.2 Debugging techniques
Using browser developer tools
Assessment and Projects:
Coding exercises
Mini projects to apply learned concepts
Final project to build a simple interactive web applicatio
What You Will Learn!
- Pass stage one javascript telephone interviews
- Confidently Interview other Javascript candidates
- Impress interviewers with knowledge about fundamental javascript features
Who Should Attend!
- Front End Developer
- JavaScript Developer