Learn Quran Recitation with Tajweed Rules - Sorat Yassin

Follow the RECITER and Use COLORS to smoothly be able to read correctly and easily

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Sorat Yaseen, also written as Ya-Sin and Yassin, is the 36th Surah (chapter) of the Quran and contains 83 verses. For those who don’t know what is Yasin advantage, it is the heart of the Quran as it mentions all six articles or root beliefs of Islam, including belief in only one God, belief in prophethood, and belief in after-life and resurrection, among others.

Sorat Yaseen is one of the most loved Surah of the Holy Quran. Its recitation and memorization hold high importance. And it is a source of great reward too. The recitation of Sorat Yaseen helps us in attaining Allah’s forgiveness too. Indeed, every letter of the Holy Quran is filled with mercy, blessings, and rewards.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

“Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. Whoever recites Surah Yaseen, Allah will record for him the reward of reading the Quran ten times.”

Reading Surah Yasin is equivalent to reading the whole Quran 10 times! Imagine starting or ending your day with the reward of reading the whole Quran in a matter of minutes. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said:

“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen, Allah rewards him that is equal to that of reading the whole Quran ten times.”

Whoever reads Surah Yaseen is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger is satisfied; whoever reads it having lost their way, finds their way; whoever reads it on losing an animal, finds it. When one reads it apprehending that their food will run short, that food becomes sufficient. If one reads it beside a person who is in the throes of death, these are made easy for them. If anyone reads it on a woman experiencing difficulty in childbirth, her delivery becomes easy.

Importance Of Surah Yaseen

Surah Yaseen is the 36th Surah of the Quran. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Mecca. It is divided into 5 sections. Allah knows the best about its meaning. SubhanAllah! Indeed, Allah is the Knower of All things. This Surah is filled with hidden treasures that one attains by reciting and memorizing it.

Undoubtedly, there is a blessing in every Surah of the Quran that we do not even know. We can never imagine the blessings and rewards that Surah Yaseen can bring upon us. It is important for us to recite a lot of the Quran as stated in the Hadith:

“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin; whoever reads it, it is as if he has read the Quran ten times.”

“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah would forgive him.”

“Whoever continues to read Surah yaseen every night then dies, will die as a shaheed (martyr).”

“Whoever enters the graveyard and reads Surah Yasin, their (punishment) will be reduced that day, and he will have Hasanaat (reward) equal to the number of people in the graveyard.”

“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen seeking Allah’s pleasure, his past sins will be forgiven. So recite it over the dying among you.”

SubhanAllah! Such is the importance. And Surah Yaseen is filled with the glory of Allah, His guidance, and mercy.

Great Benefits Of Surah Yaseen

1- Fulfill your needs

“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen at the beginning of the day; his needs will be fulfilled.”

2- Get our sins forgiven

“Whoever recited Surah Yaseen in the night seeking Allah’s pleasure, Allah would forgive him.”

We must also not forget that reading and reciting the Quran in this worldly life will intercede for us on Judgment day. Hence, reciting Surah Yaseen a lot will make us worthy of that reward anyway.

3- Help you attain martyrdom

“Whoever continues to read Surah Yaseen every night then dies, will die as a Shaheed (martyr).”

4- Attain great rewards in Ramadan

“Whosoever reads the heart of the Quran- “Yaseen” in Ramadan will receive the reward of reading 10 Qurans.”

We should recite lots and lots of Surah Yaseen in the month of Ramadan to make the most out of the holy month.

5- Save from Punishment and Torment

“Whoever enters the graveyard and recites Surah Yaa-Seen, (the torment) will be reduced for them that day, and he will have Hasanat equivalent to the number of people in the graveyard.”

” Surah Yasin is the heart of the Qur’an. No one reads it intending thereby Allah and the Next Abode except that Allah forgives them. Recite it for your deceased ones.”

6- Great Instructions & Lessons

Deep reflection over Surah Yaseen opens the heart of a believer. It is a Surah that guides us to see the signs of Allah SWT. It also makes us aware of the last day and that everything we do is recorded. And also, our every action will come in front of us on Judgment day. Nevertheless, it is a part of the Quran which is the greatest source of guidance.

7- Guidance to path of righteousness

Reciting and memorizing Surah Yaseen will keep our faith fresh and help us be on the path of righteousness even when the world burdens us with hardships and obstacles.

8- Stay away from sins

The deep message of Last Day and the continuous reminder of our records being maintained can help us stay away from the sins. Reading and Reciting Surah Yaseen every day will act as a daily reminder. It will also soften our hearts and make us closer to Allah.

9- Blessed Morning

It will be a good start to the day if we recite a part of the Quran in the morning. Reciting Surah Yaseen in the morning and pondering upon its meaning will keep us aware of Allah and its signs throughout the day.

10- Blessed Friday

“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen on the eve of Friday will be forgiven in the morning.”

About the course

The course is divided into two parts;

- The first part reading every ayah with teaching Tajweed Rules (Ahkam), word by word.

-The second part is "Practice Part", as you repeat reciting after the reciter.

For all of the 83 ayah of the sorat Yaseen, you’ll get 14 videos; one for explanation tajweed rules and how to read correctly, and the other is for practising.

The teaching part will teach you how to read every word and ayah correctly with tajweed rules. You can repeat after me many times. The colors are very useful here, you can use them to help in reading.

For the practice part, you hear the reciter and recite after him, ayah by ayah. You can repeat the ayah many times to make sure you can recite with tajweed rules.

Once you practice more and more, You’ll be able to read correctly and even memorize sorat AL Kahf easily.

The course is spread over 14 videos, 2 videos for each section., so you can start any section you want to study easily. You can download the PDF file too and use it over your mobile phone if you want.

Many thanks to Mawlana Shiekh Hossary, may ALllah bless him and for Dar Al Marefah.

I hope my work to be beneficial for every Muslim and I ask Allah blessing all of us.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to read Holy Quran well especially - Sorat Yassin
  • Practice Tajweed Ahkam/rules with colors for easy learning
  • Read Arabic words correctly
  • Avoid common reading mistakes
  • Easy Memorize Holy Quran
  • Use Holy Quran Smoothly in your prayers

Who Should Attend!

  • All muslims who want to learn reciting The Holy Quran in proper way or with Tajweed
  • Memorize quraan and use it in your daily prayers