Learn React Native Fast

Avoid Wasting Time and Learn Core React Native with TypeScript and Expo Without the Fluff

Ratings: 4.41 / 5.00


  • Understand the core features of React Native and how they work--including how React Native's Reactive State system controls UI, how to use React Hooks to control app components, how to build complex components (which are the building blocks of React) and also how to bring all of these features together into a cohesive reliable whole.

  • Use Expo to help debug and build high quality React Native applications

  • Use TypeScript for all coding activities throughout course

  • Create commonly used React Native features and components from scratch. This will include things like complex component hierarchies, a custom theming system handling dark and light modes, animated sheet modals, Redux Toolkit Reducers, multiple nested React Navigation Routers,  and more

  • Learn when to select one of the three main state management methods: Local, Props, and Redux. And how to build a properly functioning state management system

  • Learn how to make sound decisions for component hierarchy design. We'll learn when to break something out into its own component. And how to create complex component hierarchies.

  • Bring all of our learning together by code reviewing a complex Twitter Clone application. We'll investigate design decisions, component hierarchies, mixed state management scenarios, and go through the code line by line so we fully understand what goes on under the hood of a large complex React Native application

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand How React Native Works
  • Understand How Expo Helps in Building React Native Applications
  • Take Advantage of TypeScript's Type Safety to Build More Reliable Apps
  • Understand How to Control State and Trigger Renders
  • Understand How to Build Components and Complex Component Hierarchies
  • Combine All Learnings by Code Reviewing a Complex Twitter Clone

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for Intermediate Level TypeScript Developers