Learn to Cook the Ayurvedic Way

Lifestyle changes which impact Mind, Body and Spirit

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Learn Body constitution and imbalances 

Learn Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Understand Natural alignment to Life forces

Tailor diet and daily routine to prevent future illnesses. 

By helping your family enjoy a balanced physiology, you can gain perfection at the level of consciousness, mind, body, and behavior. When Vata, Pitta and Kapha are in balance, the mind and body are at peace, then there are no obstacles for spontaneous growth and development. The appetite is good, elimination is good, thirst and hunger levels are good.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand Body Types, Understand Food Type
  • Understand Body Imbalances
  • Understand Food Tastes
  • Plan diet based on Seasons and Body types

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is looking for holistic lifestyle
  • Anyone who wants to understand the Body Constitution and type
  • Anyone who wants to know Ayurveda, the oldest science of Heath and Wellness
  • Anyone who wants to understand the Seasons and relationship with Food