Create A Culture Of Learning In Your Workplace

Techniques to foster learning, unlearning and relearning to help your organisation adapt and thrive in a VUCA 4IR world

Ratings: 4.33 / 5.00


"Thank you Peter for this course! I got some really good example on how I can support the learning culture in my company as a training and development coordinator. This course would also be a very good foundation for top management and head of departments in understanding how to drive a learning culture." - Georgiana S.

"Definitely a game changer... It was as if Peter was talking to me. I will take the lessons learned and apply them in my environment. It is indeed that our world is VUCA and we must conquer all of these challenges by constantly learning and improving our knowledge base. Thank you Peter for an amazing course and good insights...I could relate to your case study on Accenture as an ex-Accenture employee myself (not as seasoned as you though and didn't get the chance to go to Chicago) :)" - Tebogo N.

"This course was exceptional, Thank you Peter for sharing your many years of experience and research. This course has opened up my eyes on how to create a culture of learning not just for myself but for others and organizations. I love the ideology of Learn, Unlearn and Re-Learn. In this every changing disruptive world, this is exactly what we need in order soar to greater heights. Many organizations might not see the value in creating a learning culture though based on the course content, I believe these principles and activities will help guide and transform that mindset. This is not a once off listen, and I will definitely visit this course again." - Prinesh V.

"Fantastic high-level course, good breadth of knowledge explored with a charismatic and experienced course leader". - Alex

"This is a good course and I like the way Mr Peter breaks it down using examples in an easy to understand way. I wish more employers would get the chance to go through this." - Douglas K.

"the course address the must know and must implementation and it all starts at Leadership to create the climate for learning. may I add "Don't cut the Learning and Development budget during tough times but invest in your people"" - Dennis F.

"1. Relevant knowledge for employees at all tiers of an organization; 2. Relevant and dynamic case studies studied: lessons learned can be referenced outside of this platform as well; 3. An excited and knowledgeable instructor. I cannot wait to learn more!" - Vuyelwa

In this course you will learn how to be a manager, coach or team member that drives learning as a highly valued organisational practice. If you are a learning and development specialist, this course will help you support managers to implement best practices in their teams.

You will learn how important it is for teams and organisations to develop cultures of learning and you will develop principles and practices for your workplace that help drive a learning culture. This happens at a team level through practices of showcasing, rewarding and recognising learning. It requires you to understand the different types of training and how to motivate for sufficient training budget. It requires you to be invested in your team's development objectives and you will need to ensure you have the right people on board to help drive these practices.

You will learn all these and more in this course which is engaging and practical. Get the following when you enrol:

  • Engaging 1:1 lessons that teach you in practical ways exactly what you need to know

  • Case study lessons featuring top firms that have prioritised a culture of learning and exactly what they did

  • A wipeboard lesson that teaches you an overview of the course and your journey of learning

  • Activities for each section so you can practice what you have learnt and start achieving your goals

  • Downloadable worksheets that you can refer to for the key principles and practices of the main techniques

  • Demonstration lessons showing actual students from our community learning these concepts and achieving their goals

  • An assignment at the end of the main lessons which brings it all together for you to take forward

  • Access to myself at any time through the messaging feature of the platform

  • Encouragement from other students who are focused on the same goals, just like you

  • Articles, resources and additional material to maximise your learning experience and ensure you achieve your goals.

  • Additional lessons and demos teaching more advanced insights about creating a culture of learning

Enrol now to get all these benefits and learn how to help your team and your organisation learn better. The world is moving rapidly and the only way to adapt and thrive is for organisations to develop cultures of learning. Make sure you are at the forefront of adapting to change and leading your people in doing so. I look forward to this journey with you.

What You Will Learn!

  • Create and nurture a culture of learning in your team or workplace environment
  • Understand how the rapid pace of change creates an imperative for a learning culture
  • Your responsibility for driving learning as a priority to empower people for change
  • What it means to "learn, unlearn and re-learn" according to Alvin Toffler
  • Why 70% of CEOs feel their organisations are ill-equipped to deal with disruption
  • Your mindset in order to be successful at leading and driving a culture of learning
  • How to get the right team members on board to start new teams and projects
  • Workplace and team practices like lunch time learning and celebrating learning
  • Accenture's learning culture that drives performance, employee engagement and client success
  • The importance of convincing stakeholders to create learning cultures & invest in training
  • The VUCA world we live in: Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous
  • What people need from leaders in order to tackle the VUCA world around them
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution and it's implications for industries & teams
  • Why it's not HR's job to develop your team's training strategy and learning culture
  • The 4 motivators for learning: Growth, Catching Up, Change and Perpetual Learning
  • Types of training: classroom, online, live, self-paced, catalogue subscription models
  • How to motivate training budget using cost savings, revenue uplift, employee engagement
  • The cost savings of switching training from classroom based to online and self-paced
  • How to include training needs in career & development conversations with employees
  • Training strategies: On-demand, role-specific, micro-learning, experiential learning
  • How a growth mindset drives continuous learning in the workplace
  • Microsoft's massive cultural shift from arrogant "know it all" to collaborative "learn it all"

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone that wants to learn more about learning cultures
  • Leaders and managers who want to create learning cultures
  • Learning and Development specialists who need to coach managers
  • HR professionals involved in driving learning initiatives