Lenormand Relationships - How to navigate relationship reads

Break relationship techniques down to truly understand the Lenormand cards and placements.

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The Relationship Pro

Navigating interpersonal relationships with the Lenormand deck can be confusing to the reader. Learn how to break relationships down to truly understand the cards and placements. You will walk away understanding how you can employ the Lenormand system to its fullest and navigate the murky waters of threesomes and more within your deck!

Not only will you understand the intricacies of interpersonal relationships clearly, you will also become proficient at KNOWING the ins and outs of your clients life.

Join Toni Savory, Founder of the World Divination Association and Author of the Lustrous Lenormand Book and learn the art of relationship readings.

Lesson 1

Descriptive Lenormand

Learn how to employ the Lenormand deck as a people descriptor using clusters and substantiation at every step! Explain the intentions, motivations and behavioural traits with your deck.

Lesson 2

Interpersonal Relationships

Analysing interpersonal relationships and behaviours is key, learn sure fire techniques to understand the nuances of each couple. Also determine whether you have found Mr or Mrs Right.

Lesson 3

Relationship Spreads

Enjoy the best of the relationships spreads and understand which to use in each scenario. Featuring a set of spreads to delve into the dynamics of life. Tableaus and placement spreads.

Lesson 4

Third Party and Difficult Relations

Do you see the snake and shout "BETRAYAL"? Delve into the 36 Cards and what attendance you need to confirm difficult relationship obstacles.

Lesson 5

The Relationship GT
Relationship reads often form a large portion of a readers business. Do your clients a favour and understand the nuances of a Lenormand Relationship GT.

What You Will Learn!

  • Navigating interpersonal relationships with the Lenormand deck
  • Descriptive Lenormand
  • Relationship Spreads
  • Third Party and Difficult Relations
  • The Relationship GT

Who Should Attend!

  • Suitable for all level of readers