Licensed Digital Marketing Master™ ESPAÑOL

Fundamentos del marketing digital

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International Digital Marketing Institute is a certification body founded in the USA by several long-standing marketers. We have years of experience in business, marketing, and more, and we have put our combined experience to work developing IIDM. Digital Marketing is something that is all around us, however there has not been a solid foundation for marketing in many, many years. In the news, there are blunders over and over again by companies, failing at some of the core aspects of modern marketing. Therefore, a solid and stable foundation is necessary for marketing in the modern world, a foundation on which it can be built and developed over time.

This is a hybrid course, meaning it is a more hands-on experience than you would find in most online courses. Each class will include notes, activities, and resources to guide you to successfully complete the class.

This course consists of;

  • 38 Conference Videos

  • 32 Tasks to send to the IIDM

  • 9 Questionnaires

  • 52 External resources

  • Practical social media marketing and content creation

  • Practical Marketing and SEO Strategies

  • Learn how to successfully create Paid Ads on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.

Digital Marketing Master License (3-month intensive certification program)

What is Digital Marketing about? How do you reach customers? How is it different from traditional media, and how can old and new work together to create an airtight campaign that speaks your truth on each and every channel? This comprehensive, in-depth course takes you through all the basics, helps you explore the buyer's journey and stay grounded in practice, keeping goals clear and achievable through perseverance and smart design.

3 full months of training

  • Introduction to digital marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Social media marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Paid Search (PPC) with Google Ads

  • Display and Video Advertising

  • Email Marketing

  • Website Optimization

  • Analysis with Google Analytics

  • Digital marketing strategy

IMPORTANT : Please contact us by email before starting your learning journey. We will provide you with access to Google Drive for your learning and assessment materials for certification upon completion.

Contact us here:

What You Will Learn!

  • Encuentre a su público utilizando el canal de medios adecuado. Gana corazones y mentes y haz que tus seguidores crezcan y crezcan y crezcan.
  • Haga que su sitio web sea visible para más personas gracias a las técnicas de optimización para motores de búsqueda (SEO)
  • Dirija el tráfico adecuado a su sitio web mediante una publicidad de pago por clic (PPC) más inteligente
  • Cree campañas digitales atractivas
  • Capte, segmente y gestione suscriptores para realizar campañas de marketing por correo electrónico fructíferas
  • Descubra lo que funciona midiendo y optimizando las campañas en las redes sociales. A continuación, descubra lo que funciona aún mejor
  • Aproveche el marketing móvil para obtener una ventaja de precisión en la microorientación
  • Cree una estrategia de marketing digital coherente para su empresa

Who Should Attend!

  • Empresarios que quieren ser más empresarios
  • Comerciantes tradicionales y ejecutivos de marketing que quieren jugar más y mejor.
  • Directores de marketing y altos directivos
  • Responsables de TI
  • Pequeños empresarios que quieran o no seguir siendo pequeños
  • Cambios profesionales
  • Graduados sin planes de esperar
  • Quien necesite crear y aplicar una estrategia de marketing digital para su organización
  • Cualquier persona que se dedique al marketing o a los negocios y quiera mostrar al mundo lo que es capaz de hacer