Lifestyle Design for Well-Being, Meaning & Happiness

Discover lessons, assessments & exercises from psychology to help you flourish and live your best life. Try for free.

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Are You Tired of Searching for Happiness, Feeling Lost, or Striving for “Success”?

Lots of us want to be happy and satisfied in life, yet so many of us have no idea how to achieve it. A thriving, mentally healthy life can feel like one big confusing maze with no end in sight. Sometimes we become cynical and conclude that a well-lived life is a thing of fairy tales, and it’s not possible in the real world. Or maybe we’re sick and tired of hearing all the fluffy inspirational self-help quotes from attractive, rich and apparently “successful” people on social media.

If you’re confused about what it takes to be satisfied and psychologically healthy in life, then this course is for you. Maybe you currently feel lost and want direction, purpose and motivation. Or maybe you’re already full of purpose and motivation, but you’re confused about how you’ve worked so hard yet don’t feel any closer to the satisfying and content life that you want.

If any of this strikes a chord with you and if you’re looking for scientific, evidence-based insights and techniques for boosting your well-being and quality of life, then I’m confident that this course will help you.

Use Psychological Research and Well-being Science to Direct Your Life with Confidence

I’ve been stung by the misguided advice of self-appointed life “gurus” in the past, and since then, I’ve been dedicated to uncovering the truth of what actually improves our quality of life. The best way of doing this in the 21st century is to use science, which in this case, turns us to psychology.

I bury my head in the textbooks and make sense of all the jargon so that you don’t have to. You can have faith in the material of this course due to its scientific underpinnings. I don’t make any of this stuff up!

Course Summary

This course consists of video and pdf lessons, assessments and reflective exercises. I've tried to condense the lessons and videos as much as possible to save you time, because I don't want you spending all your valuable time learning. I want to you to make a positive change in life as soon as possible and you aren't going to do that by listening to me talk for hours and hours!

The bulk of the time you spend completing this course will be on the reflection exercises, so don't look at the total video content time and think you'll be able to smash through the whole course in under two hours. If you do that, then you've likely skipped the most important part of this course... the exercises!

This course consists of five main sections, followed by five smaller, non-essential additional sections.

Five Main Sections

The first five sections make up the bulk of this course and it’s where all the essential material on satisfaction, well-being and meaningful achievement can be found. See the list below for an overview.

  1. The first section is free and kicks things off with lessons and reflection exercises on the topic of a flourishing life, which sets us up for the rest of the course. Don’t think that just because this section is free, that there’s no value to be had. By the end of it, you will have a good overview of three basic things that we can work on in life to be mentally healthy and flourish. The reflection exercise will help you determine if this course if right for you, or if you would benefit from something else, so I encourage you try section one before buying the full course.

  2. The second section covers topics of happiness, well-being and satisfaction, and gives us a bunch of reflection exercises to determine what we need and what we can do to improve our quality of life.

  3. The third section contains lessons and reflection exercises on the science of achievement, which includes topics such as money, motivation and engagement. Other topics that are important for our sense of achievement include goal setting, values and strengths, however they each have their own separate sections later on in the course.

  4. The fourth section will have us explore the things that make our life feel meaningful, important and worth living. These things are called our values. The section ends with a final exercise to help us plan specific things we can do to keep living in line with our values each day. We’ll then use our increased knowledge of values to help us complete the final goal section of the course.

  5. The fifth section is the final main section and it teaches us the science of good goal-setting. The section is packed full of exercises to help us identify exactly what our life needs and then then make effective plans on how to make it happen. It ends with an effective review process to keep us on track with our goals.

Five Additional Sections

The five remaining additional sections are for you to explore if you wish. You don’t need to complete them in order to know what it takes to live a good life, filled with satisfaction, well-being and meaningful achievement. However, they can definitely help you! So I’ve included these extra sections for those of you who are hungry for more.

The additional sections include:

  1. Strengths, interests and resources

  2. Meaning in life – boosting our sense of coherence

  3. Positive emotions

  4. Connections with others, and

  5. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

About Me

Why listen to me? Well, if you’ve resonated with what I said earlier about fluffy inspirational quotes, self-help “gurus” and the importance of scientific insights, then you might have greater appreciation for what I do.

My professional training on the Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology degree programme at the University of East London, gives me credibility in this field, and my dedication to the evidence-base ensures that there is real value behind the lessons and exercises that I share.

I haven’t made any of this stuff up! I’ve taken it all from the research papers and textbooks, and neatly packaged it into a course that can help everyone, regardless of your existing psychological knowledge or background.

If you have any questions about the course then don’t hesitate to get in touch, either through Udemy or on my website.

Try for Free!

Enrol now and get started on the free first section to start your journey towards satisfaction, well-being and meaningful achievement. If you like it and want more then there’s loads more like it in the rest of the course!

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand what it takes to be happy, satisfied and mentally healthy in life
  • Complete a variety of self-assessments and exercises that will help you discover what you need to boost well-being, happiness and satisfaction with life
  • Determine exactly what your life needs and stop wasting time either doing nothing or pursuing the wrong things
  • Start living with authentic motivation, purpose and meaning
  • Discover whether your goals are supporting or hindering your well-being and quality of life
  • Discover the ways of living that are meaningful to you - your personal values
  • Discover and harness the things you're naturally good at - your character strengths

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is confused and tired of searching for happiness and well-being
  • Anyone who is bored of fluffy self-help advice. Everything in this course is evidence-based from psychological research
  • Anyone who wants to be healthier or more satisfied
  • Anyone who wants to live with a greater sense of direction, meaning and purpose
  • Anyone who thinks they've been chasing the wrong things, such as freedom, wealth, admiration, and perfect happiness in order to live a good life
  • Anyone who find themselves working hard to impress others, avoid judgement, or to make others happy