Limiting Beliefs - Outgrow Your Scarcity Mindset

Understand your limiting beliefs, your dysfunctional mindset or behaviors that keep you from acheiving what you want

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Be advised that this course is not suitable for students enrolled in my training: The Self-Improvement Blueprint

So… How’s life? Did you get used to that dreadful job you didn’t really like but pays your bills? Did you let go of those nasty habits you promised yourself you’d quit times and again? Do your relationships get any better with time? And do you still believe that your circumstances are to blame for your predicament?

Self-improvement is made by people who change themselves as they become aware that the consequences of remaining the same compromises their future, takes something meaningful away from them, maybe their health, their mental or emotional balance, their relationships, their fulfillment at work…

Yet a lot of us remain in jobs or relationships we hate and would rather complain about how things are going instead of taking new initiatives. Instead, we indulge in apathy, procrastination and a variety of empty pleasures or addictions to experience a temporary relief that helps us to unhealthily cope with what we’re going through, while worsening the underlying issues we’re trying to escape from. Until we’re much more miserable five years down the line and full of regret and resentment. However, amidst the rise of anxiety, depression or disenchantment our generation is facing, we may wonder, what’s the alternative?

With this training that features the best practices of cognitive behavior therapy, behavioral psychology, NLP and much more, you will:

  • Discover a framework to categorize the main types of problems you have in life

  • Understand the ideas that keep you from acheiving your potential

  • Discover the dysfunctional mindsets you adopt that keep you from making progress

  • Discover how you pick up bad habits, procrastination or addictions

  • Discover the mistaken beliefs you have about happiness or success

This course is built to be pragmatic and to the point. Come and discover it by yourself, you can preview the first videos for free. When you subscribe to this training, you will have immediate access to a comprehensive educational content that includes, in addition to the videos, supporting documents to enhance your learning experience (5 ebooks in pdf format). You will also have access to all the updates to the content.

See you in the first video!


Picture: Infographic vector created by pch.vector

Song: Sappheiros - Embrace

What You Will Learn!

  • Discover a therapeutic framework to categorize your problems and the critical thinking process needed to overcome them
  • Discover your unhealthy thinking patterns that compromise your personal or professional endeavors
  • Discover how and why you pick up bad habits, procrastination or addictions
  • Understand the ideas that keep you from acheiving your potential
  • Discover the mistaken beliefs you have about happiness or success

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who feels they are in a job or relationships they don't like
  • People who wish to understand why they procrastinate
  • Anyone who wants to get on a path of self-improvement
  • Anyone who feels limited by their mindset
  • Anyone who wants to challenge their deeply rooted limiting beliefs
  • Professionals, managers, employees, entrepreneurs, can all benefit from the teachings of this course