Logical Thinking Training

Boost Your Business IQ: Develop Powerful Logic and Communication

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Have you ever struggled to express your thoughts and ideas clearly, or have your boss and colleagues complained that you provide unnecessary information and can be difficult to understand?

The reason might be simpler than you think (like all ingenious things). But don't worry, you're not alone!

Based on global best practices and real-life examples, we created this course to be both useful and easy to understand.

In this course, you'll learn a variety of practical frameworks that will help you structure your communication to be more efficient and avoid miscommunication.

Course Curriculum

Chapter 1. Logical thinking basics

Chapter 1 goal. Learn why logical thinking is essential

What is logical thinking? [Problem solving, Work promotion]

  • [Case study] Checking the logic of the conversation

  • Lack of logical thinking examples

  • Developing logical thinking skills

Chapter 2. Developing the ability to be logical

Chapter 2 goal. Learn what is deductive and inductive methods are

Logic development {What does it mean to be logical?]

  • How to use the inductive method

  • Using the inductive method in business [What is inductive method, General thinking flow]

  • Using inductive method in business [Hasty generalization, Sampling error]

  • [Case study] How to avoid generalization

  • How to use the deductive method [What is deductive method, General thinking flow, Deductive method in business]

  • Deductive method key points

Chapter 3. Managing issues logically

Chapter 3 goal. Learn how to breaking down big issues into parts to make them easy to solve

The Importance of splitting issues [Too big to solve problem]

  • Logic trees framework [What is logical tree]

  • MECE framework [What is MECE, Why MECE]

  • MECE in a logic tree

Chapter 4. Persuade Logically

Chapter 4 goal. Learn how to convince people and get them to accept your arguments

Reinforce the reason for your decision [Logic is the premise of action, Using arguments to convince others]

  • Reasons matter

  • Using the pyramid structure [Pyramid structure]

  • [Exercise] Pyramid structure creation

Chapter 5. Communicate Logically
Chapter 5 goal. Learn how to improve your business communication skills

Why is logical communication so important?

  • Using easy-to-understand language

  • CRF (conclusion, reason, fact) framework

  • PREP (point, reason, example, point) framework

  • SDS (summary, detail, summary) framework

  • So what?/Why so? framework

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the importance of logical thinking
  • Apply logical thinking to solve complex problems
  • Learn how to communicate logically
  • Understand logical thinking methods useful in business

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who wants to improve the effectiveness of their business communication
  • Those who feel their communication isn't understood by others
  • Those who wish to enhance their knowledge of inductive and deductive logic thinking