Thriving and inspiring man

Changing the game, winning the game!

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Truth bomb…your dream girl or the amazing relationship you’ve been hoping and waiting for doesn’t just happen. It is a process mate, and it doesn’t usually happen overnight or in the course of weeks. I am not saying it’s impossible in such timeframes, nevertheless, for most of us men who didn’t receive a proper dose of healthy, practical, and supporting guidance on the topic, we need to grow into it.

Again and again, I see from all directions how masculinity is under attack. It’s either too much, too toxic, or not enough, being too soft or girly. There is much more to it and I wouldn’t go into a judgment of either of the poles, but the truth is, it can be bloody confusing to steer around all those conclusions and expectations.

The fact is, and what I see happening with the majority of men, is that we’re trying to fit into some kind of pre-shaped box. We are trying to be like someone we know or even worse, like some popular media figure. And yes, that kind of mask or pose brings us some fruit in the form of a cool date or juicy night, but it’s impossible to keep on wearing that mask long-term. And what’s underneath…well, usually some kind of fear, pain, chaos, weakness, or addiction. Unless we deal with the crap, our story will stay the same.

Truth bomb number two…you know what ladies adore even more than the mask of a cool and nifty guy? A guy who is himself, genuine, internally strong, and stable. Who is here and now, who is not escaping his shadows, who is inspiring and loving, and who knows how to keep the polarity nice and wide and keep on attracting her year after year, to name a few major attributes that make a man.

No matter what is your background, or what is your story, most hurdles, traumas, or adamant and rigid ways of living and being can be changed and amended…and that is a truth bomb number three my friend!

Well, if you're up for it, if you're in a dark spot or just looking to improve your game, I believe I can be of assistance here,

What You Will Learn!

  • How to become more confident and attractive to women
  • Traits and principles of healthy masculinity
  • Enhance your presence and improve your impact of your interactions with women
  • Recognise your potential, your worth, your strengths and use them where they count
  • Foods and supplements to increase your stamina, testosterone, vigour and libido
  • Exercises and techniques to increase your stamina, resiliance and endurance

Who Should Attend!

  • Heterosexual man