Depression, Exploration and Explanation-Checklist

Understanding depression, (Major Depressive Disorder) with information, facts, and checklist for symptom definition.

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“This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.”How to Identify Depression using a checklist test. Depression checklist to explore depression signs and depression symptoms. Methods of feeling better. Help for depression symptoms. Have you been feeling sad a lot lately, can’t seem to shake the blues? Do you know someone who has changed in some way, like no energy, lack of concentration, libido decreased? In this class we will explore the faces of depression. How do the mental health professionals determine if we are sad or are experiencing a Major Depressive Disorder episode? AND what do we do then? Are we stuck being sad for life, can we change the way we are feeling? Do we have to take medication to make it all better? What can we do to be the real US again.

Feeling sad, low energy, low libido, irritable can indicate you are experiencing an episode of Major Depressive Disorder. Notice the diagnosis is “disorder” this is not a mental Illness that is untreatable and maintained only with medication. It is a disorder and like physical flu can go away.

In this class we will be discussing Adult Depression. Depression presents itself differently in teens and children. Dysthymia is a depression that is milder than Major Depression and lasts for at least two years. Bipolar Disorder is also a Mood Disorder that usually includes Depression. In this class I want to explore Depression that is not dysthymia or bipolar disorder. This class offers a printable check list to determine if your sad is deep enough to be diagnosed as a Major Depressive Disorder Episode.

What You Will Learn!

  • Realize major depressive disorder or depression is not "all in your head."
  • Participate in the physical activities that will lift a depression.
  • Acquire the understanding of what constitutes a major depressive disorder episode.
  • Become educated about alternative methods to lift a depressive episode before it becomes Major.
  • Understand depression is a disorder not a mental illness
  • Resolve to give yourself the right to be human and depressed some of the time.
  • Execute the ability to choose foods that will help your mood.
  • Differentiate the difference between sad and depressed.
  • Discover whether your family history shows a pattern of depression.
  • Identify the life changes and/or traumas that initiated your depression or the depression of loved ones.

Who Should Attend!

  • Any person who has experienced depression or major depressive disorder will benefit from this class.
  • Any person who cares about or knows someone struggling with depression.