Make Realistic Drawings with Shading & Rendering: Create Art

20 art lessons that will develop and enhance your skills to create realistic images. Boost your confidence as an artist!

Ratings: 4.47 / 5.00


Have you always wanted to create more realistic and dynamic drawings?

This Shading, Blending & Rendering drawing Course is designed for artists to master various techniques to create the illusion of form, space and light in  drawings.

This course will also teach you how to create convincing three-dimensional looking images that communicate volume and depth. We will discuss and practice different shading styles while exploring the powerful roles that light and shadow plays in an image.

I will also teach you how to create a blending stump, which is a secret weapon for many artists that like to create hyper-realistic drawings.

Here are some of the topics discussed in the lessons and exercises:

  • Shading Techniques: Hatching, Cross-Hatching, Circulism

  • Shading Styles: Scribbles, Stippling, Short Dashes, Curved lines, Long Dashes, and Blending.

  • Light & Shadow on Objects: Core Light, Highlights, Midtones, Reflective Light, Core Shadows, Occlusion Shadows, Cast Shadows

Each of the drawing exercises are accompanied by 2 downloadable source images that can printed for you to use during the lessons.

Are you ready to learn step-by-step how to develop your artistic skills to a higher level? I'm looking forward to helping you achieve a powerful artistic transformation. Let's get started!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn various techniques to create the illusion of form, space and light in drawings.
  • Create convincing three-dimensional looking images that communicate volume and depth.
  • Learn how to create a blending stump tool.
  • Understand how to use light and shadows to create powerful images.

Who Should Attend!

  • Artists interested in enhancing their skillset
  • Perfect for beginners Interested in developing and using various techniques of image building