Make your migraines go away

Learn how to properly manage your migraines with alternative and medical treatments

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Hey friend,

Welcome to my course!

First and foremost, let me ask you some questions:

  • Do you feel that your migraines control your life?

  • Have you stopped working because of your migraines?

  • Have you missed important family/friends events?

  • Do you feel isolated, depressed and anxious because of your migraines?

  • Does it take too long to see a headache doctor?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you should act NOW to change your path.

Stop missing out on your life and learn the formula to start having migraine-free days:

  • Understand your migraines.

  • Treat your migraine attacks in less than 2 hours by using a proven 'recipe'.

  • Reduce your migraines by at least 50% by following a guide that headache doctors use.

  • Feel empowered by learning ALL available treatments, including non-medical ones.

  • Live the happy life you’ve always dreamed of.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

I help patients get rid of their migraines every day and I have a long term solution for you. Don't wait years to see a headache doctor and learn from a practicing neurologist right now!

Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Life?

This course will teach you everything you need to know to get rid of migraines and start enjoying your life with your family and friends. You’ll learn how to:

  • Distinguish migraine attacks from other headaches

  • Learn all about non-medical and medical treatments available for migraines

  • Use your knowlegde to start living a migraine-free life

With guidance and the power of knowledge, you could start living the life of your dreams. You are investing in yourself and helping others! I want you to feel empowered about your life, and this course might just help you do that!


The course is made up of 6 sections. The 1st is an introduction, the 2nd about the basic knowledges that you need to acquire about migraines, the 3rd is about the non-medical options, the 4th, 5th and 6th are about medical options, the 7th includes extra videos and courses (Yes, extra videos uploaded regularly, including webinars!).

You can access to:

  • Section 1 - Introduction

  • Section 2 - Basic knowledges

  • Section 3 - Non-medical (or alternative) treatments

  • Section 4 - Pharmacological treatments : acute therapies

  • Section 5 - Pharmacological treatments : preventive therapies

  • Section 6 - Pharmacological treatments : CGRP-based therapies

  • Section 7 - extra videos

At the end, you will learn the following:

The basics of migraine diagnosis and treatment

You will start at the beginning by recognizing your migraines and the rational behind the treatment:

  • Migraine: What it is and how to differentiate the two types of migraines

  • Know other frequent headaches that migraineurs suffer from

  • Learn the reasoning behind the different types of treatments

You’ll finish this lesson with a better picture of your migraines, and you'll know what types of treatments you should try.

Discover non-medical ways to treat your migraines

With your understanding of migraines, the next step is to learn all about non-medical (or alternative) ways you can rely on. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify and avoid your migraine triggers

  • Strategies to prevent migraines starting TODAY

  • To start living with less migraines by using non-medical treatments

You’ll finish this course with a clear plan to make your migraines go away.

Learn how to use the right medications for you

The secret to make your migraines stop is to know how to use the right tools. In this lesson, you’ll learn the best way:

  • To end a migraine attack using different types of rescue (abortive) treatments

  • To prevent future attacks with different types of preventive treatments

  • To get and benefit from Botox or anti-CGRP treatments

  • To stay organized and better plan your next steps to prevent your migraines

You’ll finish this lesson knowing ALL available treatments, how and why you should try the best ones for you and start living a migraine-free life.

Extra courses

On top of knowing all about migraine treatments, you will get courses on specific topics and deep review on specific treatments. In this section, you’ll learn:

  • All about another frequent headache (occipital neuralgia, available now)

  • More details about minimally invasive treatments of migraines (mid 2024)

  • and more!

You’ll finish this course with a new hope to start living with less migraines and a road map to achieve your desired results

This Course Is For You If...

  • You've lost control of your migraines

  • You dream of living a (almost) migraine-free life

  • You want to invest in yourself, feel empowered and start living

  • You don't have a headache doctor to help you

  • You don't know much about what is available to treat your migraines

  • P.S: if you already have a headache doctor and a treatment plan that works for you, then this course might not help you much...

This Course Is NOT For You If...

  • You are looking for a miracle or a quick solution for migraines. Migraine is a chronic disease without a cure.

  • All The Tools You Need To Start Having Migraine-Free Days

I want you to ask yourself this: what would it do for you if you could have the tools, the knowledge and the ‘know how’ to get the most appropriate treatments tailored to YOUR needs and finally have migraine-free days?

Imagine yourself in 6, 9 or 12 months with a migraine treatment with almost no side effects, that reduces your migraine frequency by over 50%, 70% or even 90%? How different would your life look in 6 months, compared to the past years!

If you decide not to change anything today, your quality of life will remain the same and you will delay any potential improvements in 6, 9 or 12 months from today!

I trust you know what you really need and ONLY YOU can help yourself!



What You Will Learn!

  • Understand your migraines and learn the basics of treatments
  • Treat your migraines with non-medical (or alternative) ways
  • Treat your migraine attacks with the best medication for you
  • Learn how to prevent your migraines with the best available therapies
  • Distinguish the different and most frequent headaches to treat them appropriately

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is intended to migraine sufferers AND to healthcare providers helping patients with migraine.