Master HTML in 60 mins
The ultimate course for beginners to kickstart programming career
If you have never done programming, but you are willing to, then you can't be in a place better than this one. This course teaches HTML in the most engaging and compact way possible while also giving you a clear idea about what programming is. Already done some programming before and want to learn HTML? This is a great place to start. This 'to -the-point' course will keep you engaged throughout the course. I have made a lot of material available to you for studying the subject in greater depth like:
PowerPoint presentations
Source codes
This course will introduce you to programming and to HTML in the simplest way without any huge technical terms to scare you. It is designed to the point and taking this course won't waste your time over useless things you don't need to learn to learn HTML. Moreover, it will provide you with the most crip and straightforward ideas on programming and web development as a beginner in the stipulated time.
The quiz at the end of the course will help you gauge your skills acquired in the course. Also, the certificate you gain at the end will concretely formalize your learnings from this course which can be presented as proof of your learning wherever required.
What You Will Learn!
- A CRYSTAL CLEAR idea of what programming actually is
- Understand and write HTML code
- Create web pages by writing HTML code
- A beginneer prespective
Who Should Attend!
- Newbies in programming
- Those who want to learn web development from scratch
- Those intertested in exploring the idea of building websites