

In this MEDDICC sales training you will learn how to win deals in tough competition - when the odds are against you.

This is the only MEDDICC sales training focused on winning when competing to win RFP ands must-win-opportunities.

How to Identify, analyze and win:

  • Competitive sales situations

  • Qualify and win formal purchasing processes (RFP/RFQ)

  • How to apply advanced MEDDICC competetitive analysis

  • How to select the best competitive win strategy

  • How to do deal-reshaping

  • How to sell to executives

  • How to create a competitive executive summary

  • How close the deal

In this very practical training you will learn how to use MEDDICC to do competitive analysis, select the best competetitive sales strategy and execute it to success.  You will be able to increase your ability to communicate with your team about the opportunity and secure recources.

This MEDDICC course is packed with examples ansd easy to use sales tools,

Content preview:

Competitive analysis

What are your unique value proposition? How can you standout and be your customers best choice?

Learn how to make a solid competitive analysis in less than 15 minutes and highlight red and green flags to your team - and select a winning strategy

Competitive winning strategies

What is the best winning stratetgy?

Learn from world-class sales organizations - and master the 4 most successful sales strategies.

Coach to win

Winners are teamplayers. With the MEDDICC salescompass you will be able to evaluate the progress of you competitive sales efforts - and take action.

What does others say:

Mike Wilkisson, Salesdirector at Schneider:

Thank you Jens for the learning & development through MEDDICC over the last two years. You've supported the team across an array of professional development, driving success and enabling us to form new and exciting processes that drive our client engagement.

Look forward to continuing our development as our clients, markets and organisation evolves

Johan Nyman, KAM SD-Worx

It is "a step up" and above all useful in competition.

Especially like:

Decline RFPs/tenders in a nice way and try to "come to the table" otherwise qualify early (the guys on the team, want to answer everything without meeting the customer or influencing).

Packaging/"wording" of the four different types of position, head to head, reshaping, re-position, land&expand.

Sell a "preliminary study" slightly below 10% of order value (8-8.5% as you say), or go-live plan to anchor a process.

What You Will Learn!

  • MEDDICC sales training: How to win deals in tough competition - when the odds are against you.
  • Competitive sales situations, How to Identify, analyze and win
  • Qualify and win formal purchasing processes (RFP/RFQ)
  • How to apply advanced MEDDICC competetitive analysis
  • How to select the best competitive win strategy
  • How to create a competitive executive summary

Who Should Attend!

  • Sellers, managers and bid-managers that wants to sell more, faster through qualifying and winning b2b deals