React Native, Redux & Express - Full Stack React Native

Learn to build full-stack apps with MERN: React Native, Redux for front-end and Node, Express, MongoDB for backend.

Ratings: 4.50 / 5.00


Looking to build robust, full-stack mobile applications with React Native and Redux in the front-end and Node, Express, MongoDB and Mailtrap in the back-end? Look no further than this ultimate MERN Stack Audio Sharing App with React Native & Redux course!

This course is designed for React Native beginners, but it's important to have a solid foundation in web development and JavaScript. You'll learn the basics of React, Node for API building, TypeScript, and Redux inside the course. So, if you're comfortable working with JavaScript and have some familiarity with web development, this course is perfect for you!

Our step-by-step approach will guide you through everything you need to know, from setting up your development environment to deploying your app to the cloud. You'll start with the basics of React Native, building a foundation in the essential concepts and tools necessary for developing modern, robust applications.

From there, you'll dive into Redux, a popular and powerful state management tool that simplifies the complexity of app development by managing app state in a central location. You'll learn how to use Redux to manage state in your React Native app, and explore best practices for integrating it into your workflow.

In the back-end, you'll learn how to build a Node API with Express and MongoDB, gaining a solid understanding of RESTful API design principles, and learning how to leverage MongoDB to store and retrieve data for your app. Also we will use Mailtrap to handle emails for authentication.

The course also covers TypeScript, a powerful superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features, providing a safer and more efficient development experience. You'll learn how to leverage TypeScript to improve the maintainability and reliability of your codebase.

Inside this course, you'll learn how to handle API requests using React Query, a powerful library that simplifies and optimizes data fetching in React.

In addition, you'll also build a powerful audio player that supports both Android and iOS, and streams audio from the internet. You'll learn how to leverage React Native's audio APIs to build a user-friendly audio player, complete with playback controls, metadata display, and more.

Whether you're looking to build your own audio player, or you're interested in learning how to work with React Query, this course has everything you need to take your MERN stack development skills to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start building amazing apps today!

What You Will Learn!

  • React Native From Basics to Advanced
  • Real world API building with Node JS, Typescript, Express, Mongodb
  • Easy state management with Redux Toolkit
  • Advance Animations For React Native
  • React Query to manage API requests

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner for React Native but not in Javascript or web development