Microbiology Multiple Choice Question Bank-Practice Sets

This course comprises comprehensive sets of Microbiology MCQs for self assessment/examination preparation.

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Most of the entrance tests at institutional/state/university level are increasingly being conducted in a multiple choice format. These MCQ-based tests aim at comprehensive coverage of the syllabus with a wide variety of questions. Test takers at any level need to practice vigorously beforehand as a large number of questions need to answered in a limited duration.

Microbiology is the study of living organisms of microscopic size, termed as microorganisms. These microorganisms are “omnipresent” and unknowingly impact each and every aspect of human life. An immense diversity of microbes exists on earth ranging from archaea in hot sulfur springs to the humble E. coli in human gut. The course of microbiology is an integral part of the syllabus of any entrance examination of the life science domain at undergraduate, postgraduate, or any other level.

I have designed these questions considering the syllabus of microbiology specified for various examinations including history and basics, microbial structure and metabolism, microbial diversity, medical microbiology (including antibiotics), environmental microbiology and commercial applications of microbes. The questions have been carefully curated focusing more on Microbiology sub-domains. Moreover, each question is accompanied by the logic/reason behind choosing the appropriate answer. Further, I have included several questions intermittently, which require critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These practice sets will be immensely helpful in preparation of modules covering microbiology and related topics in entrance examinations.

Happy Learning!!

What You Will Learn!

  • Affirm their existing knowledge of microbiology
  • Recollect the concepts pertaining to microbiology
  • Systematically prepare for microbiology-based modules of several entrance examinations
  • Self-evaluate their test preparation through rapid feedback

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who is learning microbiology for entrance/school/college/university examinations
  • Homeschooled learners/Curious learners