Arts and Humanities

Sub Categories

Digital Fashion Industry

Digital Fashion Industry is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and T...

Discover Acting

Are you curious about the world of acting? On our ‘Discover Acting’ course, you will be guided throu...

East Asian Religions & Ecology

At first glance the fields of religion and ecology may seem and unlikely pairing, but a deeper consi...

Eine User Experience für soziale Zwecke gestalten und sich auf die Jobsuche vorbereiten

„Eine User Experience für soziale Zwecke gestalten und sich auf die Arbeitstätigkeit vorbereiten“ is...

Entreprendre dans les Industries Culturelles à l'ère du numérique

À travers son fil pédagogique riche d’interviews d'experts et de cours d'enseignants, le MOOC Entrep...

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

This course deals with the problems created, aggravated or transformed by AI. It is intended to give...

Explore Adobe Spark while creating Social Stories Highlights

By the end of this project, you will learn how to use Adobe Spark to create simple story highlights...

Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5

Welcome to Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 5! You’re joining thousands of learners currentl...

Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future

This course introduces you to the five mass extinctions of the pre-human past, their causes and sign...

Facilitate Organized Online Dialogue with Considerit

Why is it so hard to participate in fruitful online dialogues, especially with dozens or hundreds of...

Fashion as Design

Among all objects of design, our clothes are the most universal and intimate. Like other kinds of de...

Fundamentos do design da experiência do usuário (UX)

Fundamentos de design de experiência do usuário (UX) é o primeiro de uma série de sete cursos para e...

Gabriel García Márquez entre el poder, la historia y el amor

En este curso usted podrá identificar los aportes narrativos del escritor colombiano Gabriel García...

Get Started with Inkscape

By the end of this project, you’ll get comfortable opening and using Inkscape. With Inkscape, a free...

Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World

The Global Diplomacy course is a unique offering to the MOOC environment. Bringing together cutting...

Graphic design: pop your Linkedin with 3D effect using Canva

By the end of this project, you will learn how to use Canva to create a simple 3D effect for a custo...

Guitar Scales and Chord Progressions

You’ve got the guitar basics down: You can strum your guitar and play a few of your favorite songs,...

Guitar for Beginners

Grasp the essentials needed to begin playing acoustic or electric guitar. You'll learn an easy appro...

Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina

El curso es accesible para todos los aficionados al fútbol ya sean del nivel de un principiante como...

Historia del Arte: Del Arte Prehistórico al Renacimiento

El arte deriva de un deseo de la persona para comunicarse con otros” (Edvard Munch). Y es desde la p...