Health > > Patient Care

Health Coaching Conversations

Are you a healthcare practitioner or student in a healthcare field? Do you want to learn how to have...

Health After Cancer: Cancer Survivorship for Primary Care

This course presents basic principles of cancer survivorship to primary-care physicians. Developed b...

Fundamentals for Implementing a Hypertension Program

This course provides the fundamental knowledge necessary for program managers and implementors in a...

Formation COVID-19 pour personnels de santé

La COVID-19 se propage rapidement à travers le monde, et l’ensemble des personnels de santé doit êtr...

Evaluación del Aprendizaje en Escenarios Clínicos

En el siguiente curso aprenderás cómo se desarrolla la enseñanza en diversos escenarios clínicos, de...

Emergency Care: Pregnancy, Infants, and Children

Welcome to the final course of lectures in your quest to master EMT basics. In this course, we will...

Dopage : Sports, Organisations et Sciences

L'objectif du cours est de permettre une compréhension distanciée du dopage. C’est pour atteindre ce...

Cuidando a la persona en situación crítica de salud en UCI

Esta aula es un espacio de formación y actualización para los profesionales del área de la salud, en...

Community Awareness Course: Sexuality and Disability

This community awareness course from the University of Minnesota Program on Human Sexuality will pro...

Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation

Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine which provides high-quality of life for...

Case Studies in Personalized Medicine

Learn how advances in biomedicine hold the potential to revolutionize drug development, drug treatme...

Capacitación sobre COVID-19 para trabajadores de salud

La COVID-19 se propaga rápidamente en todo el mundo y todos los proveedores deben estar preparados p...

COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Register for this free course here:

COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stab...

Bacteria and Chronic Infections

This course will give you an introduction to bacteria and chronic infections. Leading experts in the...

Atención centrada en el paciente

La atención centrada en el paciente está orientada al involucramiento de cada uno de los miembros de...

Addiction Treatment: Clinical Skills for Healthcare Providers

This course is designed with a singular goal: to improve the care you provide to your patients with...

AIDS: Fear and Hope

The basic biology of the virus, HIV, and the disease it causes, AIDS. The economic, social and polit...

一堂課讓你認識肺癌(Basic Concepts of Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment)


Prehospital care of acute stroke and patient selection for endovascular treatment using the RACE scale

Acute stroke is a time-dependent medical emergency. In acute ischemic stroke, the first objective is...