Specialization Courses
Sub Categories
Aprende a programar con Python
Este programa especializado está dirigido a aquellas personas que tengan interés por conocer y apren...
Aprendizaje Activo STEM con Simulaciones Interactivas PhET
Aprende cómo enganchar a tus estudiantes e impulsar el aprendizaje en matemáticas y ciencias con lab...
Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure w/Anthos Français
Cette spécialisation est destinée aux ingénieurs techniques, architectes et administrateurs utilisan...
Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos
This specialization is intended for technical engineers, architects, and administrators using Google...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine
87% of Google Cloud certified users feel more confident in their cloud skills. This program provides...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine auf Deutsch
In diesem Vertiefungskurs werden die umfassenden und flexiblen Infrastruktur- und Plattformdienste d...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine bahasa Indonesia
Nama Spesialisasi telah berubah dari "Architecting from Google Cloud Platform Specialization" menjad...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine em Português
O nome da especialização mudou de "Architecting from Google Cloud Platform" para "Architecting with...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine en Español
El nombre de esta especialización cambió de "especialización Architecting from Google Cloud Platform...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine en Français
La spécialisation "Architecting from Google Cloud Platform Specialization" a été renommée "Architect...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine in italiano
In questi corsi acquisirai dimestichezza con l'infrastruttura flessibile di Google Cloud e i servizi...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine 日本語版
2020 年 6 月 12 日より、専門講座の名称が「Architecting from Google Cloud Platform」から「Architectin...
Architecting with Google Compute Engine 한국어
Google Cloud 인증 사용자의 87%는 자신의 클라우드 기술에 대해 자신감을 갖고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은...
Architecting with Google Kubernetes 한국어
Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE)에서 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션을 배포하고 관리하는 방법을 알아봅니다. G...
Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine
The Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine specialization will teach you how to implement soluti...