Mr. Sutton Presents... Algebra 2

A clear, concise, no-nonsense guide to Algebra with Trigonometry and Statistics.

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Mr. Sutton Presents... Algebra 2

Let's cut out the fluffy description and get right to the point.  You are looking for a convenient, self-paced way to learn some quality mathematics.  You want a teacher who speaks, writes and explains clearly and without rambling in his videos.  You want lots of practice problems with answers you can look up.  You want to pay as little as possible for all this!

Here is what all of my courses offer:

  • Clear, concise videos that get to the point quickly with just enough "back story" to provide context, just enough "application" to spice it up, and carefully chosen examples to model the process.

  • PDF versions of each lesson if you get sick of my voice or want to look back without hunting through the video.  All lessons were recorded with PowerPoint slides, so you don't have to decipher my handwriting.

  • A printable guided notes handout allowing you to fill-in-the-blanks while you watch each lesson.  Very helpful if you learn better by writing things down but want to avoid needless rewriting or a disorganized jumble!

  • 2-4 practice problem sets per lesson, including printable handouts AND both PDF and video solutions of every single practice problem -- an extra 20-30 hours of video content!

  • End-of-chapter practice quizzes (with handouts and PDF/video solutions) to review multiple concepts at once.

Here is what this course covers:

  1. Systems of Linear Equations

    1. Graphing Method

    2. Substitution Method

    3. Elimination Method

    4. Systems Word Problems

  2. Factoring

    1. Operations with Polynomials

    2. Greatest Common Factor

    3. Factoring Trinomials (Basic)

    4. Factoring Trinomials (Advanced)

    5. Special Products and Factors

  3. Complex Numbers

    1. Intro to Imaginary Numbers

    2. Adding and Multiplying Imaginary Numbers

    3. Division of Imaginary Numbers

  4. Quadratics

    1. Solving by Factoring

    2. Quadratic Formula

    3. Quadratic Systems

    4. Graphing Quadratics

    5. Quadratic Inequalities

    6. Max and Min

  5. Polynomials

    1. Solving Polynomials by Factoring

    2. Synthetic Division

    3. Graphing Polynomials in Intercept Form

    4. Graphing Polynomials in Standard Form

    5. Writing Polynomials

  6. Rational Functions

    1. Simplifying Rational Expressions

    2. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

    3. Adding and Subtracting Rational Functions

  7. Trigonometry

    1. Pythagorean Theorem

    2. Special Right Triangles

    3. Right Triangle Trigonometry

    4. Applications of Right Triangle Trigonometry

    5. Triangle Area

    6. Law of Sines

    7. Law of Cosines

    8. Degrees, Radians and Reference Angles

    9. Cosine and Sine

    10. The Other Trigonometric Functions

    11. Pythagorean Identities

  8. Statistics and Probability

    1. Mean, Median and Mode

    2. Box and Whisker Plots

    3. Theoretical Probability

    4. Independent and Dependent Events

    5. Probability of Disjoint and Overlapping Events

What You Will Learn!

  • Solve systems of linear equations
  • Factoring algebraic expressions
  • Simplify expressions with complex numbers
  • Solve and graph quadratic equations
  • Simplify, solve and graph polynomials
  • Simplify rational expressions
  • Solve problems with trigonometry
  • Work with statistics and probability

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginning Algebra 2 learners (high school)