MSP® Programme Management - Foundation - Exam Preparation

Pass with confidence, Extracts from an Accredited Course, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive.

Ratings: 3.15 / 5.00


MSP® Programme Management - Foundation - Practice Exams and Exam Preparation

300 Questions, equivalent of 4 Test papers of 75 questions each.

Extracts from an Accredited Course, Pass with confidence, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive as a member of a project and programme environment.

This course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in MSP® Programme Management, a best practice for Programme Management.

MSP is the world’s most widely-adopted programme management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.

The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) guidance explains the programme management principles, governance themes and transformational flow that should be applied to the management of programmes or transformational change in any environment.

The purpose of the foundation qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP® guidance to interact effectively with those involved in the management of a programme or act as an informed member of a programme office, business change team or project delivery team working within an environment supporting MSP. The foundation qualification is also a pre-requisite for the practitioner qualification.

The purpose of the practitioner qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP® guidance to apply the guidance to their own work and, hence, act as an informed member of a programme management team. That is, someone responsible for managing, leading, supporting or advising on work within an MSP environment. Candidates should be capable of applying the MSP® guidance in a relatively uncomplicated programme within an environment that uses MSP.

Benefits of Method:

· Improve your delivery confidence as everyone understands their role in delivering what the business expects.

· Terminology that is common in all projects, programmes & portfolios around the world with a methodology that works ‘effectively with ‘knowledge based practices

· Close your projects well to ensure lessons are captured and project assets are protected

· Structured approach with controls to provide a delivery methodology that works repeatedly and will enable you to successfully deliver projects

· Clearly understand your role, governance and responsibilities including the triggers, inputs and expected outputs

· Start your projects well to ensure successful and consistent delivery to achieve the expected benefits

· Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.

This accredited course aims to provide you with a straight forward route to becoming certified at the foundation level in your own time and at your own pace.


1) Are there any prerequisites to take the course?

Familiarity with projects, programmes and Project/Programme management is useful but not essential.

2) Who should take this course?

This course is aimed at project, programme, business change managers, aspiring programme managers and anyone who manages projects and programmes and preparing for a foundation qualification. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects and programmes such as Members of a Programme Office (PO), business change team members, project delivery team members, as well as anyone who needs to understand the terminology and concepts underpinning MSP and those wishing to pursue higher level certifications (e.g. programme managers, business change managers (BCMs) and senior responsible owners (SROs).

This is an extract from an accredited course eligible for CPDs/PDUs and prepares you for a foundation qualification in MSP® Programme Management

3) What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?

a) 300 Questions, equivalent of 4 Test papers of 75 questions each.

b) Prepares you for a Foundation level qualification in MSP® Programme Management.

c) Hints, Tips and reasoning to help pass the official MSP® Foundation level qualification Exam

d) Eligible for 6 PDUs or CPDs

Next steps/Course: MSP® Programme Management – Foundation and Practitioner

When you are ready to take the Foundation or Practitioner Exam/Qualification, please contact your Learning Service Provider – SkillSolve Training ( +44 (0)1202 970910) to arrange your exams.

What You Will Learn!

  • Pass with confidence, Extracts from an Accredited Course, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive as a member of a project and programme environment.
  • 300 Questions, equivalent of 4 Test papers of 75 questions each.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is aimed at project, programme, business change managers, aspiring programme managers and anyone who manages projects and programmes and preparing for a foundation qualification. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects and programmes such as Members of a Programme Office (PO), business change team members, project delivery team members, as well as anyone who needs to understand the terminology and concepts underpinning MSP and those wishing to pursue higher level certifications (e.g. programme managers, business change managers (BCMs) and senior responsible owners (SROs).
  • This is an extract from an accredited course eligible for CPDs/PDUs and prepares you for a foundation qualification in MSP® Programme Management