Massage Course, Myofascial Energetic Release, Deep Bodywork

This massage training teach how to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to give great massage to your clients.

Ratings: 4.56 / 5.00


The Massage of Myofascial Energetic Release Course is a powerful life transforming experience. You will learn the art and science of a Massage, Assited Stretches, Joint Mobilization, Emotional Release and Awareness and much more under the direction and guidance of Nisarga, who has over 10 years of experience as a trainer in massage. Throughout this massage course the aim for you is to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to give great massage to your clients, friends or family members and to create a successful massage practice.

Techniques to learn in this massage course:

*The art and science of massage

*Assisted stretches coming from Ayurvedic Yoga Massage

*Structural, functional and emotional body reading through which we evaluate the body-mind of the client.

Massage Course is divided into 4 major sections:





In the Massage Training you will learn how to release the cause of chronic pain the over contraction of soft tissues, with deep tissue bodywork and through educating the client of the cause of there pain. As we open the body’s deeper soft tissue layers we encounter stuck energy in the form of shortened, hardened tissue. You will be taught skillful, sensitive touch we release these energy blocks.

What You Will Learn!

  • deep bodywork, assisted stretched, myofascial release, massaging

Who Should Attend!

  • the course is for those who wants to learn deep bodywork, massage and myofascial release
  • course is not for advanced and experienced practitioners for deep bodywork or rolfing