How To Maximize Your First Two Years As A New Supervisor

Laying A Solid Leadership Foundation

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A newly promoted person is going through the biggest and most emotionally trying transition of their career.

They transition from producing results with their mind, words and hands to producing results through the minds, words and hands of others. This requires a totally different set of tools. They also assume responsibility for a six or seven figure annual payroll and the associated livelihoods.

They deserve every opportunity at success. Most organizations have an internal leadership development program. Our program will add to and compliment existing internal leadership development.

New promotions deserve your best AND our best; not your best OR our best. We are not arrogant enough to assume we have all the answers. We work with like-minded companies.

What You Will Learn!

  • How to make more money. Once we cut through the fluff, clichés and buzz words, we accept a position of leadership to make more money for our family. That's why we uproot families, pull kid from their schools and move across the state or country. In order for this to occur, we MUST make more money for our company. This is accomplished by closing the gap between your performance and potential as quickly as possible and improving results. Successful companies reward results, NOT tenure.
  • Start the foundation for a successful and profitable career in Leadership.

Who Should Attend!

  • 1. Managers, Supervisors, Foremen and lead people promoted within the last two years.
  • 2. Managers, Supervisors, Foremen and lead people that have been in their positions longer than two years but have become complacent.
  • 3. Individuals that would like to be considered for a position of leadership in the future. This membership will provide insight into the different responsibilities of leaders and help with the decision-making process. Leadership is not for everyone.