Next Js and OpenAI with WEB3 SASS Course‏ in Arabic

دورة لعمل نظام كامل باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي يعتمد على الدفع بالكريبتو

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


دورة لعمل نظام كامل باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي يعتمد على الدفع بالكريبتو

Full SAAS Open AI SEO Articles with crypto-based subscription

سوف نتعلم انشاء نظام كامل لانشاء مقالات متوافقه مع محركات البحث بإستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي وعمل نظام مدفوعات لاستخدام النظام باستخدام الكريبتو

سوف نتعلم استخدام

next js

mongo db

open ai integrations

wallet connect 2 model

deploy to vercel

will use :

React JS, Next JS, JavaScript, Ether JS, Tailwind CSS, and Font Awesome icons. React JS is a popular front-end JavaScript library that allows for the creation of complex UIs, while Next JS is a server-side rendering framework that enables faster page loads and better SEO. JavaScript is the backbone of the platform, powering various features, including the AI engine.

will add also :

The platform’s business model is based on a crypto-based subscription model, where users pay in cryptocurrency for access to the content generated by the AI engine. This approach leverages the decentralized and borderless nature of cryptocurrencies to provide a secure and fast payment option that can be used globally.

Overall, our theme is a cutting-edge platform that combines the latest advancements in AI and blockchain technology to generate high-quality SEO articles, providing businesses with a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

What You Will Learn!

  • open ai inetegration
  • web3 and crypto payment
  • mongo db connected with next js
  • nest js framework

Who Should Attend!

  • web developer
  • backend developer
  • web3 developer