Mastering PHP with OOP & CodeIgniter 4: From Basics to Advan

Elevate Your PHP Skills: Master OOP Principles, Database Integration & CodeIgniter 4 Framework

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Welcome to "Mastering PHP with OOP & CodeIgniter 4: From Basics to Advanced", a comprehensive course that takes you on an immersive journey through the world of PHP, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), and the CodeIgniter 4 framework.

Procedural programming can often lead to extensive lines of non-reusable code. Hence, our course introduces you to OOP in PHP, opening up possibilities for writing clean, reusable code and enhancing your overall programming skills. If you are a budding web or PHP developer with basic PHP knowledge, this course is tailor-made for you.

We will start from the ground up, exploring essential OOP concepts in PHP, from classes and properties to complex functionalities. Next, we delve into SQL concepts, enabling you to manage databases with ease and integrate them with your PHP projects.

Once we have a firm grasp of OOP, we will transition into learning the CodeIgniter 4 framework, paired with the robust front-end framework, Bootstrap 4/5. This comprehensive coverage will equip you to create web applications and websites effectively.

This course will not only teach you the theoretical aspects but also provide hands-on experience with helpers, libraries, and query builders. You'll learn how to structure your application using the MVC (Model View Controller) approach, validate your forms from the server side, and apply security measures. Practical exercises with Bootstrap 4/5 will solidify your understanding of CodeIgniter.

Furthermore, the course explores ORM (Object Relational Mapping) concepts, as well as guides you in creating a Login and Sign-up system using CodeIgniter 4. By performing CRUD operations, you'll understand CodeIgniter's essential processes, effectively polishing your skills.

In essence, this course is your comprehensive guide to mastering OOP in PHP and CodeIgniter 4, transforming you from a beginner to a competent PHP developer.

Enroll now and take a giant leap in your journey of becoming a skilled PHP developer. Let's master OOP in PHP and CodeIgniter 4 together!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the OOP techniques
  • Learn the SQL
  • Learn the Codeigniter 4
  • CRUD operation in Codeigniter 4
  • You can add Third party HTML templates in Codeigniter 4
  • MVC
  • Login and Signup system in Codeigniter 4
  • Libraries in Codeigniter 4
  • Helpers in Codeigniter 4
  • Database Concepts with Data Modeling in Codeigniter 4

Who Should Attend!

  • Developers with basic PHP knowledge looking to learn OOP and CodeIgniter 4.
  • Web developers wanting to learn how to create reusable code using OOP principles.
  • Individuals interested in mastering the CodeIgniter 4 framework and Bootstrap 4/5.
  • Developers who want to learn about integrating databases with PHP.
  • Anyone keen on learning about ORM (Object Relational Mapping).
  • CRUD operation in PHP
  • CRUD operation in Codeigniter 4