Overcoming depression

How depression is created , locks you in a downwards spiral and how you can get out of it

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Overcoming depression


Depression is a severe mental state and it has huge impact on thoughts , emotions , choices and behaviour.
Although many people use the term depression , what they really report is depression feeling ( will be covered in the course ).
Nevertheless the impact of depression is huge especially if a person is trapped in a downwards emotional spiral .

This course intention is not to diagnose depression or encourage you to diagnose it ( as this can be done ONLY by certified psychiatrist )

This course was created after working with many clients that reported they FEEL depressed - and this is very different .

In the course we will cover the definition and the creation mechanism of depression , understand what is the downwards spiral that traps people and not allowing them escape it , discuss how a healthy thinking process looks like in order to reverse the spiral AND cover few tools you can put Immediately in use so you can start overcoming what you might consider depression .

I hope that you will put this information and strategies in good use and will manage to reverse your spiral and get back to healthy mindset and thinking process...
Depression is not a good state to get stuck in as it impacts not only you but everyone around you - especially the people you care about and care about you the most .

What You Will Learn!

  • Clarify the difference between diagnosed depression and feeling of depression
  • Understanding the definition of depression and its creation
  • How to reverse the downwards spiral of depression
  • Gain tools on how effectively deal with depression

Who Should Attend!

  • People struggling with depression , lack of clarity and maybe lost in life