Teach elementary physical education: Stations + Activities

60 PE skill stations - Complete with printable station cards and individual score sheets

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The Exploring Stations PE & Sport Skills Pack is FULL of 60 PE sport stations for you to set up and run at your school gym or field, developed by experienced elementary PE teachers! It's great to start using at any time of the year.

- Do you need some ideas for a sports carnival day or house group competition? Do you struggle to find new ideas and the correct way to run your weekly PE lessons? Are you looking for some quick, refreshing activities to run with your students to get them excited for sport? Are you clueless when it comes to teaching Physical education?

Watch the videos, set up the stations, and your students work to challenge themselves with the tasks given. After a period of time (e.g 6-8 minutes), the students can record their scores on the provided 'score sheet', and then rotate around to the next sport skill station.

You can set up your lessons how you like: For example have 6 stations all with different skill elements (striking-moving-bouncing-throwing-catching-kicking)


focus week by week on a single skill element, e.g:

Lesson 1 - Striking skills

Lesson 2 - Moving skills

Lesson 3 - Bouncing skills

Lesson 4 - Throwing and catching skills

Lesson 5 - Kicking skills

Lesson 6...7...8...

Your students will love these station activities, and week by week will be motivated to challenge themselves, set records and get awesome at sport!!

1. 60 exciting Sport Station videos

You will be fully equipped with 60 easy to set up stations, with clear instructions on how to run each activity and improve your kids sports skills. There are 12 activities for each skill element, for:

• Striking • Moving • Bouncing • Throwing & Catching • Kicking

I've set up and recorded each station to show your kids, explaining what they need to do - That means even less hassle for you to worry about!

These activities are going to help turn your kids into budding baseball, basketball, tennis, hockey, volleyball, american football and soccer stars in no time!! Impress your principal and other staff members with confidence, working on your pupils' hand-eye co-ordination, balance, agility and fundamental movement skills!

2. Printable Station Cards

For each station you'll also have task cards which can be printed out and laminated. You can put the station cards on the wall, or on a cone at the station you setup, so kids know exactly what to do.

3. Individual score sheets

You can print out a score sheet for each student, where they can record their results from the tasks given at each station. Not only does this encourage a personal challenge, it aids with reading comprehension and counting and recording data (suitable for grades 1&2).

Lifelong tool

Having these great ideas readily available on your iPad or printed out is a fantastic resource to use week by week, term by term, year by year, and we guarantee your kids will LOVE your new PE station ideas.

What some teachers have said about this pack:

› "Very practical and easy to implement. Kids enjoyed the variety of engaging activities."

› "Explicit directions and great fun activities. Love it!"

› "Easy to follow and lots of fun assured!"

What You Will Learn!

  • Be equipped with 60 unique sport skills to set up and run at your school gym or field
  • Teach physical education without having to play sport or have the skills
  • Demonstrate and deliver effective PE lessons to develop the fundamental skill elements of striking, moving, bouncing, throwing & catching, and kicking)
  • All activities can be easily adapted to suit your classes PE needs

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner elementary school teachers
  • Physical education teachers
  • Elementary school students