Personal Finance for YOU! - Simple and Easy Course (Canada)
You don't need a university degree or be a finance/math expert. Best way to start learning personal finance in Canada.
This course was designed to make the world of money and investing EASIER to understand by literally showing you HOW to apply all the crazy financial jargon you see and hear to your real life. You will learn exactly what your schools have failed to teach you AND you will start to apply your learning right away. Heck, you will be able to pass this financial knowledge down to your kids, parents, grandparents, or whoever!
It DOES NOT matter if you are a high school student or a PHD graduate. It DOES NOT matter if you just started your first job or you're ending your seventh job. MONEY DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR AGE OR HOW WELL YOU DID IN SCHOOL. You don't need any prior experience or knowledge to take this course. You will learn everything about personal finance that your schools failed to teach you regardless of where you come from in Canada.
This course will prove that you can build your own path to financial freedom. Understanding your money, how to make it work for you, and how to prepare for your future financially are some of the most important things that you never learn in school, so it's EXTREMELY valuable to take the time and soak up all of this information.
In this course, you will LEARN about:
Everything about Chequing/Savings Accounts.
How Interest Works.
Registering for CRA My Account.
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
What is a TFSA?
Types of TFSAs
Contribution Room
There will be lots more lessons coming soon that will talk about investing, mortgages, student loans, credit cards, retirement, and MORE.
I recommend that you take this course at your own pace. Pause the lectures when you want too, rewind if you feel like you missed something, and feel free to ask as many questions as you want.
All of the lectures contain information based on my personal experiences and extensive research. If you have ANY questions, then you can always reach out to me or leave your comments/concerns in the Q/A boxes in the lectures. You will always have your questions answered within 24 hours. We make sure our students are not left stranded or confused.
By taking this course, you are signing up for:
Lifetime access to the course.
New and additional lectures will be added.
Current lectures will be updated when necessary.
A friend that will happily answer your questions. :)
Check out my YouTube channel - Soni Bros Investing. With more than 17,000 Subscribers and 1.6 MILLION views, the channel has become very popular in the world of personal finance. People from around the world watch these videos about investing, personal finance, financial literacy, and my ever-changing personal experiences with money. It has some of the simplest and easy to understand videos on YouTube till this day, so feel free to check that out and share with your friends/family!
What You Will Learn!
- Learning what a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is.
- Learn how much money you can deposit and withdraw from your TFSA.
- Learn what types of TFSAs there are and which one is the best for you.
- Understand what Chequing Accounts are used for and how to save money with them.
- Learn why a Savings Account will help you make money.
- Understand how interest works and how you get paid.
- Register for the My Account on the CRA website to access TFSA/RRSP information, income tax details, GST/HST credits, and more!
- Life-long lessons that will help you and your family achieve financial freedom.
Who Should Attend!
- Anyone that wants to stop being fooled by banks.
- Young Canadians who want to start learning about money and bank accounts.
- Young adults curious about how interest rates work.
- Students that are interested in learning how to put money aside for savings.
- Canadians who want to learn how to use a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA).
- Canadians who want to improve their financial life.
- Canadians who want to understand how to make their money work for them.
- Canadians who want to work towards financial freedom.
- Canadians who want to learn about investing.