Personal life goals setting

How to set personal life goals and review progress periodically

Ratings: 5.00 / 5.00


This course is about how one is able to set personal life goals and review progress periodically using a life scorecard.

The course focuses on the importance of setting personal life goals, the process of the goals, how to set SMARTE goals, how to incorporate the goals into a scorecard, how to measure performance, and the importance of measuring personal life performance.

Any person with a basic understanding of English will be able to benefit from this course. The course is designed for housewives, Masons, Carpenters, Drivers, Doctors, Nurses, Professors, and Politicians. Basically, this course is for everyone.

While a few people set life goals, many live a day at a time and therefore end up not accomplishing much. The majority of people surrender to fate and this belief that their life graph is already drawn and concluded. This course seeks to assist them to understand they can achieve anything they totally focus on.

Just like big corporates that manage millions of dollars succeed using goals and strategic plans, individuals too can experience great success if they set their own life goals and use a life scorecard to track their progress.

An accountability partner is of great help and helps keep individuals on track and ensure they are keeping to their own promises.

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand personal goals setting
  • Understand importance of setting personal life goals
  • Understand the process of setting personal life goals
  • Understand concept of PERSONAL LIFE SCORE CARD
  • Understand characteristics of a good personal life score card
  • Understand how to incorporate goals into a personal life score card
  • Understand how to measure progress using personal life score card
  • Understand importance of measuring performance

Who Should Attend!

  • People focused on achieving various life goals either financial, academic, social, physical or any other personal goal