Ace Your Pharmacy Interview! Pharmacy School Interview Prep

Refine your communication at your pharmacy interview: Transform from hesitant to confident and expressive swiftly.

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Congratulations! After years of hard work, you finally hear back for an interview! This is your last obstacle. You are so close to getting into pharmacy school, but...

Have no idea what to say?
Stressed out about preparing for your interview?
Interviewed many times and kept failing?
In this course, you will learn exactly what to say, concisely, and confidently with the help of a real pharmacist.

You'll learn how to:

  • Impress interviewers with knowledge of the pharmacy field.

  • Get accepted by showing your best, sincere, and authentic self.

  • Speak clearly, concisely, to the point without rambling and wasting time.

  • Communicate confidently during the interview.

  • Walk out of your interview knowing you aced your interview!

  • Answer these questions the RIGHT WAY!

    • Why pharmacy?

    • Tell me about yourself.

    • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    • Tell me about your pharmacy experiences.

    • Why this school?

    • What questions do you have for us?

    • Situational questions such as -

      • Tell me about a time you had a difficult situation and how you handled it.

      • When have you handled a situation working with someone you would rather not work with?

      • Tell me about a specific time when you had a conflict with a coworker and how it turned out.

      • How do you handle stress?

      • And many more!

What You Will Learn!

  • Demonstrate extensive knowledge of the pharmacy field to impress interviewers.
  • Showcase your best, sincere, and authentic self to increase chances of acceptance.
  • Communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively without unnecessary rambling or time wasting.
  • Project confidence in your communication during the interview.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is designed for students who are applying or interested in applying to pharmacy school.